Transitioning Winter to Spring Clothes

March is a transition month for clothing in many parts of the country. It’s been in the 60’s here all week. I pulled out the short sleeve shirts. Yea! But this weekend it’s suppose to get cold again. Boo!

So I can’t put away the winter clothes just yet but some days I need the spring clothes. Layering is the best way to go.

An easy way to transition your winter to spring clothes is to use babysteps. In the next week or two you can start packing away the heavy clothes you won’t be wearing again until next winter. Give away anything that wasn’t worn because it didn’t fit or you didn’t like it. No reason to take up valuable storage space.

Each week take a few minutes to go through your clothes and pull out more and more of the winter ones. At the same time you want to unpack the spring clothes, especially the ones that layer well.

By the time the warm weather is here to stay your closets & drawers will be transitioned over. And all you had to do was spend a little time each week to get it done.
