Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas, non-clutter

Mother’s Day is in two days. If you haven’t gotten her a gift yet now is the time. My weekly decluttering newsletter addressed the issue of gifts that don’t add clutter.

Since I just started this weekly newsletter many of you may not have signed up yet to receive it. I am posting a copy below so you can see how this newsletter will be beneficial to you.

Be sure to sign up now so you don’t miss out on any future decluttering and organizing tips. As always, I respect your privacy and will not sell, trade, or distribute your information to any third party.

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Happy Mother’s Day

Janice Scissors



Decluttering Tips Newsletter

Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday. Have you bought her a gift yet?

Mother’s Day is one of the most commercial holidays in the United States. Lots of cards and gifts are given on this day to honor our mothers. The problem arises when these gifts add to the clutter of their homes. When celebrating the holiday this year think of all the things you can give or do that don’t add clutter. Here is a list of ideas.

You may want to pass this list to your own children and/or spouse and ask them not to buy you anything that adds to your clutter. It’s the thought that counts. And even more important it is to honor mothers for all they do.

  • Give flowers. They are beautiful to see first thing in the morning and last about a week.
  • Take her out to eat or have her over for brunch. Spending this precious time together is what counts.
  • If you want to buy a gift make sure it is one she either wants or is something she can use up. Bubble bath, candles, or lotion would work.
  • If she likes candy but is watching her diet than look for a small but special candy she wouldn’t buy for herself.
  • You can give her a gift card for a play or movie. No clutter there.
  • You can print out gift certificates for services you can do for her. You can promise to wash her car or trim her hedges. Make it things you can easily do for her when she turns the certificate in for your service.
  • You can buy a gift certificate for a day spa so she can pamper herself.

There are lots of things to do or give your mother without adding clutter. The best thing you can give her is your time.

Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas, non-clutter Read More »

Garage Sale Season is starting.

Do you like to go shopping at garage sales? Do you like to set up your own garage sales? Or do you hate shopping at them and hate having them?

There are strong opinions on both sides. They can be great places to pick up items you need at a good price. In today’s economy that is becoming even more important. At the same time, because of the great bargains they can contribute to your clutter overload. If you tend to buy things because they are a bargain yet you really don’t need the item then it is probably not a good idea to shop garage sales.

If you are thinking of having a sale to make some money on all your things then you need to think it out carefully before doing it. The TV shows makes it look easy and profitable. They also have large crews to handle all the work. And it is a lot of work.

If you want to have a garage sale to clear out a lot of clutter at one time then you need to plan carefully for it. You need a date set, preferably with someone else or the neighborhood. Then you want to have a plan in place to get rid of the things that don’t sell. Some charities pick up and other you have to drop it off there. Any money you make will be the icing on the cake. Once all the clutter is off your property; sold, charity, or trash, then you will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Tell me what you think about garage sales.


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P.S.S. If you haven’t signed up for the weekly Decluttering Tip Newsletter and the Organizing By The Month News, then please do so on the right sidebar. Thanks.

Garage Sale Season is starting. Read More »

Attacking the Spring Weeds

With all the rain and cool weather in the Midwest this spring the weeds have had a field day in my landscape beds. Since I don’t like using chemical weed killers that leaves only two other methods to fight the weeds. There is good old elbow grease and there is the use of a thick layer of mulch.

Well, I use a thick layer of hardwood mulch. The only problem I have with the mulch is the weeds in my yard love it! They don’t grow from beneath it but sprout on top and then send their roots down deep into the cool, moist soil underneath. So much for mulching cutting down the work.

That leaves good old elbow grease. So to prevent myself from getting overwhelmed I have devised an easy plan of babysteps. I have a five gallon paint bucket that I got from my painter. You can buy these buckets at the hardware store but I like to reuse and recycle as much as possible.

I take this cleaned out bucket along with my gloves, weeder, and a small tarp to sit on and go out to weed. When the bucket is full I am done for the day. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to fill the bucket. It is amazing how many small weeds can fit in a 5 gallon bucket.

I do this as many days as possible, weather permitting. I usually get the weeds under control by the time the warmer weather hits and their rapid growth slows down.

It’s a constant battle every year and makes moving to a condo very inviting.

If anyone has suggestions or a better idea I would love to hear it.

I’m starting a weekly newsletter with tips on decluttering and organizing. You can sign up to the right of this post. I do not like spam or email clutter and will use you email address only for these newsletters and other emails from me.

I have also set up my website. It is in the infant stage right now but please go check it out at; If there is specific information about decluttering you would like to know more about, please leave a comment here or email me at



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Stimulus Checks on their way.

If you are expecting a stimulus check then check out the government schedule to find out when you may receive it. Of course, back in March when the government announced they would be sending this check to stimulate the economy I don’t think they expected gas and food prices to climb like they have. Most people will probably use the checks to pay for those items or put it in the savings for a rainy day. The way the economy is going that rainy day could come at any time.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~ Hans Hofmann (German Painter, 1880-1966)

“The trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich,
and creative, it isn’t simple.” ~ Doris Janzen Longacre


Stimulus Checks on their way. Read More »

Spring Cleaning Continued

I was reminded by a reader that I had promised to declutter my desk and take another picture. I did get the top of the shelves cleaned off right away but I didn’t get to the main area or the cubby holes. I think because I had not made it “perfect” yet I put off taking another picture.

Well, today I am posting the before picture taken on March 28, and one taken this morning. I have also taken one after setting the timer for 15 minutes and clearing off the desk top. It’s a work in progress, just like most things in our lives. And that’s a good thing! If everything was always in it’s place then there wouldn’t be any “living” going on there.

March 28, 2008


April 24, 2008


April 24, 2008 after a 15 minute clean up.


Although it’s warm outside, it’s also cloudy and rainy again today. Sometimes it is hard to get in the mood to spring clean when the sun isn’t shining. Maybe it will still show it’s face today and I can tackle some more decluttering.

Mark Twain grew up just north of St. Louis and this quote says it all about the weather in the Midwest.

“In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.” ~Mark Twain


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