
Summer Vacation Planning

Have you planned your summer vacation? Are you going on a big trip or just a few mini-vacations this year? Are you going to be staying close to home this summer because of the economy?

If you have decided you are not going anywhere this summer it doesn’t mean you have to be bored to death and do nothing. We always think the grass is greener on the other side but many times there are lots of fun things to do in your own town or at least a close neighboring town.

Check out the websites of your city or surrounding cities. They usually list attractions that tourists would be attracted to. Gather the information in a notebook and become a tourist in your own town. Plan ahead for places to visit in good weather (parks, zoos, other outdoor attractions) and not so good weather (museums, theaters, other indoor attractions). Keep your camera ready and have fun. No more boring weekends.

What kind of fun things do you do during summer vacations? If you have some great ideas you would like to share with me and all my readers then please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks.

I have posted the June 2009 Newsletter on the blog. There are some website links listed with ideas of what you can do with your families during the summer. Check it out.


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A Lucky Rainbow?

I’m sitting here in a hotel room in Portland, Oregon. As I was searching the internet for information on St. Patrick’s Day for the March newsletter I looked out the window and was amazed at what I saw. It is a partly cloudy day and directly in my view was a rainbow in the horizon. I grabbed my pocket camera and took some pictures. What are the odds of reading about St. Pat’s day and seeing a rainbow. I wonder if a pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow waiting for me.

I would post a picture except this is an old laptop and doesn’t have a card reader. I did buy a portable card reader and planned on bringing it. Somehow I forgot. It is probably sitting on my desk at home. Oh well, I think I remembered everything else for this trip. I’ll post a picture of the rainbow when I get home.

Anyway, I plan on having the March newsletter out by this weekend so you can start planning for the different events going on. I would love to have some feedback on the monthly newsletters. Do you find them helpful? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve them? Please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks.

You can see February’s newsletter by clicking on it in the sidebar to the right. If you aren’t signed up to receive this newsletter plus the weekly decluttering tip newsletter then please do so on the right sidebar.


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Traveling Light

I remember how excited I use to get when I was young and traveled by airplane. Times have really changed. Tomorrow I will be flying from St. Louis to L.A. Since I will only be gone for two nights I am using carry-on luggage. The rules of what you can bring on and what you can’t are several pages long on the TSA website. Oh, the hassles involved with travel today!

I’m traveling with my husband for his business so we will be staying at the company’s condo. I can’t complain. It’s suppose to be a luxury condo overlooking the ocean in downtown Long Beach, CA. The condo is on the 23rd floor. I should have a great view to take some fabulous pictures.

Since it is not a hotel, I will have to pack slightly different. I’ll have to make sure I bring my own shampoo, soap, shower gel, etc. I usually do this anyway when I travel but if I forget at least a hotel has these things. Since I have never been to this place before I’m not sure how close a quick shop or drug store may be. My feet will be my only transportation so if I need something I hope a store is not too far.

I’m not taking my laptop because it is an old and heavy, heavy, one. I want to travel light and since I will only be gone 2 nights I figure I can survive without the internet that long. I’ll be checking my emails and any comments here on Thursday evening.

With holiday travel around the corner if you have any suggestions on how to make it easier please leave a comment. We all can learn from each other’s experiences.


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July 4th Fun

July 4th is this weekend and there are many fun and safe ways to celebrate. If you didn’t receive my July newsletter then you can check it out on this blog. It’s located on the sidebar under Newsletters. I have included lots of links to sites that can give you ideas of how to celebrate this holiday with your children.

If you are having a barbeque with the traditional hot dog and baked beans then there are lots of recipes for you to try. Ice cream and/or watermelon for dessert are also summer time favorites.

If you are getting ready to send your children off to overnight camp then check out the best way to pack them up.

Planning a vacation this month? Then make sure you pack everything you need and not one thing more. Many airlines are charging for each piece of luggage now so you don’t want to take any extra suitcases if you don’t have to. Check out the July newsletter for ideas of what and how to pack light.

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July.


P.S. Be sure to sign up for the for the weekly Decluttering Tips Newsletter and the monthly Organize Newsletter. One sign up for both newsletters. Sign up now so you don’t miss out on all the great tips and information!

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Sunny California

I’m back from my trip to Los Angeles. The trip went well and the planning ahead helped a lot. We had MapQuest all our events and only made a couple of wrong turns that we quickly corrected. I had a folder with all the information and took that in the car each time.

I didn’t have the right program on my laptop to be able to post some of the pictures. I will get that corrected before my next trip. Below are some of the pictures I took of the Santa Monica Beach. The first couple of days were cool but then it was beautiful weather after that. I can see why so many people want to live there.

Fortunately my sister lives there and warned us it could be cool at night time. We brought appropriate clothing. We tend to assume the weather will be perfect for our vacations especially in tropical areas. Whenever you travel to be sure to check out the weather first so you have the right kind of clothing.




With summer being the prime months for travel I will be posting tips in this blog that will help make your travel go smoother. If you have any tips you would like to share please post a comment.

I also will be putting a lot of tips on travel in my weekly Decluttering Tips Newsletter and in the Organize By The Month News. If you haven’t signed up for these ‘free’ newsletters then please do so at the right of this blog.



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