
Helping Hand

This past weekend we took my mother-in-law out for her 86th birthday dinner. Since the weather had turned cooler I looked through my closet for a nice long sleeve top to wear. Almost all of them were old and didn’t look that great anymore.  Many were too heavy for this time of year.

Since I don’t like shopping much I tend to not update my wardrobe very often.  As a result it sometimes reaches the point that everything looks washed out.  You know, where the shirts are pilling, are faded, and hanging out of shape.

I only have a few dressy outfits for good and then my everyday uniform. There isn’t much in between.  My everyday uniform consist of blue jeans or shorts and a short or long sleeve T-shirt depending on the time of year.  The advantage of working out of my house is I can save a lot of money on clothes since I don’t need a wardrobe for a workplace.

Of course the disadvantage is since I don’t need a lot of nice casual clothes (business casual) I tend not to shop much for them.  Now this may not be a disadvantage for most people, especially if they enjoy shopping, but it becomes my excuse not to shop often enough to keep my wardrobe updated.

A few years ago I joined the Missus Smarty Pants program and that helped me a lot. It taught me how to shop for the right kind of clothes for my body type. I didn’t dread going to the store so much and buying clothes that didn’t make me look my best, (wasting money?). With the help from her program I bought clothes that made me look good and were much more versatile. I think it is time to sign up again!

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes that helping hand can help us overcome our weaknesses.  Sometimes we may need that helping hand on a regular basis (like my clothes shopping dread) so we can continue to have accomplishments in our weaker areas.

This is what I’m trying to do with my blog and website. This is why I’m writing the Halloween blog series (starts Oct 3). I want to make sure I don’t wait until the last minute to put up decorations or buy candy. Yes, I have done that before! I also hope that this blog series can help you avoid procrastinating until the last minute.  In other words, I’m offering a helping hand to help you plan and prepare for the holiday.

If this series works out well I’ll be happy to do it for Thanksgiving and Christmas and Chanukah. If you want to receive this blog series in your email all you have to do is sign-up here.

If you’re already receive the blog posts by email then you don’t have to do anything.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for the upcoming blog series, please let me know.



book coverThe “How To Have A Fun, Safe, And Decluttered Halloween” eBook is now available for the PC, Kindle, and Nook. It’s a witches brew of tips on decorations, costumes, and treats. Get it now before you head to the store.

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Will Yet Another Organizing Product Bring You Success?

This is the time of year where all those back-to-school and office supplies are on sale. Even if you don’t have school age children (mine are grown) it is easy to get caught up in believing that this organizing file solution or that 5 subject notebook will solve all our paper clutter or organizing problems.


Guess what – it might work and then again it might not. How many different products or solutions have you tried over the years with limited success? I know I’ve tried many.


What I have learned over the years is it’s not necessarily the product or idea that is bad it’s just that it didn’t work for me.  I’m sure you have had the same result at times.

So besides trial and error plus lots of money spent how can you determine if a product will help you?  That’s a hard question to answer. The best way is to take a look at what is currently working for you in any area of your home.

We all have some areas of our lives where we are relatively organized.

If you are organized when cooking in the kitchen pay attention to what kinds of organizing products and/or habits you are using that makes it work for you. Is your desk at work clean and organized but you desk at home is a disaster? Pay attention to what is working at the office and duplicate it at home if possible.

We are creatures of habit and each of us have different learning/organizing traits.  Some we are born with and some we learned when growing up or as adults. Even if we were born missing the organizing gene we can still find the right kind of products and solutions to help us learn to get more organized.

So when you find yourself tempted to try yet another product in hope that it will solve all your organizing problems stop and think about it first. The questions below will help guide you towards one that might work for you.

Ask yourself:

  1. Does this product work similar to other products I’ve used before?
  2. Have I been successful with using this kind of product?
  3. Do I already have a product or solution for this particular problem but haven’t taken the time to figure out if it will work or not?

As we are bombarded this time of year with all those ads for products to help get our children and ourselves organized we have to remember to stop and think before buying.  Most products can help but one size does not fit all.

Figure out your style (or your child’s) so it will be easier to match the product or solution to it. That will increase your chance of success.



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Back To School Organizing

It’s already the middle of July. The stores are stocked up with back-to-school supplies. The TV and newspaper ads are bombarding us about all the things our children “need” in order to have a great year.

Before you rush out and buy all those things be sure to check what you already have at home. Last year’s backpack may still work. Their school clothes may still fit , at least the ones to start off the school year with. They may have enough left over supplies that you only need to buy a few new ones.

Now is the time to take inventory so you can figure out what they will need and how much. It will be a lot easier if you first declutter what they don’t need or can’t use anymore.

Below are some steps to help you declutter. Then I have listed some options on how to get rid of the clutter in fun ways for you and your children.

Decluttering Steps:

  1. Go through all their clothes. Pull out any that do not fit or they won’t wear. Last year’s favorite style may make them feel like they will die of embarrassment if they wear it this year.
  2. Any clothes that are wearable but need repair should be put in a separate pile. Mending can be done while watching TV.
  3. Go through school supplies. Take inventory of what you have from last year that is still usable. Make a list of what each child needs (elementary schools usually provide a basic list). Mark off what you already have. What’s left is the shopping list.
  4. Go through their books. Have them pull out all the ones they have outgrown and are willing to part with. See below for a fun way to recycle the books.

Options on How To Clear out the above items:

  1. A garage sale is a good way to get rid of the outgrown clothes, school supplies, and books. The money you make can help buy new clothes and supplies. If you are interested in having a garage sale before school begins check out my eBook, “Decluttering With A Garage Sale”.
  2. A children’s book exchange is another fun way to clear out some clutter. This can be done in your neighborhood, church group, or other group you and your children belong to. School supplies can also be exchanged. A simple method to do this is explained in this article “Declutter Children’s Books With a Book Exchange”.

Although decluttering the previous year’s school papers won’t help with taking inventory it’s still a good idea to do it now if you didn’t at the end of the school year. You’ll make room for all the new papers that will soon be coming in.  Plus, as your children go through the old papers it will refresh their young minds as to what they learned the past year.  This article will give you some tips on it, “Decluttering Children’s School Papers”.

To a lighter load along the way.



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Clutter Free Mother’s Day Gifts

Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday. Have you bought her a gift yet?

Mother’s Day is one of the most commercial holidays in the United States. Lots of cards and gifts are given on this day to honor our mothers. The problem arises when these gifts add clutter to their homes. When celebrating the holiday this year think of all the things you can give or do that don’t add clutter. Here are some ideas.

You may want to pass this list to your own children and/or spouse and ask them not to buy you anything that adds to your clutter. It’s the thought that counts. And even more important it is to honor mothers for all they do.

  • Give flowers. They are beautiful to see first thing in the morning and last about a week.
  • Take her out to eat or have her over for brunch. Spending this precious time together is what counts.
  • If you want to buy a gift make sure it is one she either wants or is something she can use up. Bubble bath, candles, or lotion would work.
  • If she likes candy but is watching her diet than look for a small but special candy she wouldn’t buy for herself.
  • You can give her a gift card for the theater or a movie. No clutter there.
  • Print out gift certificates for services you can do for her. You can promise to wash her car or trim her hedges. Make it things you can easily do for her when she turns in the certificate for your service.
  • You can buy a gift certificate for a day spa so she can pamper herself.

There are lots of things to do or give your mother without adding clutter. The best thing you can give her is your time.

To a lighter load along the way.


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How To Prevent Holiday Clutter

A couple of weeks ago (before my computer crash) I sent out a newsletter listing things you can do to help prevent cluttering up your holidays with too many things to do and/or buy. Here is the list again. I’ve included links to articles I have written that can give you more information and tips on those subjects. Planning ahead will help you keep your life and finances under control.

1. Make a list of who you are buying gifts for. On this list write out what you want to buy this person and how much you can spend (maximum).

2. Always take this list with you when you go shopping. It will help you stick to your budget and make it less likely to get caught up in the marketing ploys the stores use to get you to buy what they think you need.

3. Plan out your holiday meal on paper. List what dishes each guest will be bringing (if you do it this way). Confirm this with your guests a couple of weeks ahead of time so they will be organized.

4. Check all your recipes and write down any ingredients you will need to buy. Buy non-perishables a week or two ahead. Buy the perishables a few days ahead of the day.

5. Make out your holiday card list before you buy those cards. Check out my article, “Holiday Greeting Card System” for more information.

6. If you are traveling this holiday season you can make a Travel Planner that will help you pack the things you need and leave home the things you don’t need. (clutter)

If you haven’t already signed up to get my free newsletter be sure to do so now. You don’t want to miss out on any tips. Plus you get a free eBook filled with tips for year round decluttering and organizing. You can sign up on the sidebar of this blog or go to my website.


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