
15 Minute Days

Some days I can do my routines and then sit down to write without any problems. However, that doesn’t happen as often as I would like. My nature is to jump from one thing to another. In other words, I get easily sidetracked.

Some days are just 15 minute days. When I get behind in my work and the house is a mess I find the only way to get it back in control is to use a timer. I write out what I want to get done and break the list down into things that can be done in 15 minutes or less. Then I set a timer and go to work.

Sometimes I get through my entire list but most of the time I don’t. That’s okay. I prioritize and do what I can. I figure I got more done with the timer than without.

If you feel out of control try setting a timer. Focus on one thing during that short time. You’ll be amazed how much you can get done this way.


To a lighter load along the way.



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Fall Clothes Shopping

Fall weather has hit the Midwest early. I’m sure it will warm up again for a few weeks before it really cools down.

I wanted to wear a long sleeve top when I went out Saturday night so I looked in the back of my closet where I keep some of the out of season clothes. Since I decluttered my wardrobe a few years ago I have room to keep many of those transitional clothes in the closet year round. Less to store in boxes under the bed.

As I went through these long sleeve tops I could see some of them looked pretty worn. It may be time to get rid of them and buy new ones. Since I don’t usually enjoy shopping (a big plus when trying to keep clutter under control) I will have to decide what I need to freshen up my wardrobe before I go to the store. Then I can at least narrow down what I want to buy with regards to style and color. This helps give me a clear purpose for the shopping trip.

Since I’m not very fashion conscious a few years ago I joined the website, for a year. It helped me understand the styles that looked best for my body type. I actually enjoyed clothes shopping for awhile. What I bought fit well and looked good. I need to review my saved information or maybe even join the website again so I can enjoy shopping for fall clothes.

After all, if you look good you will feel better about yourself.

Janice (blog)

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September Gardening

Although it is still early in September the weather is cloudy, cool, and damp like a fall day. It caught me off guard when I went outside to walk the dog. I had to come back in a grab a light weight jacket. I’m not ready for cold weather yet but today reminds me to start preparing for it.

I was looking at the weeds that have taken over the front yard this year. I need to spray them this weekend so I can plant grass seed in a couple of weeks. I know my yard will look bad for a few weeks but I neglected it this summer due to my illness and now I need to get back to taking care of it.

IMGP0319 I have also been thinking about where I will put all the large houseplants that have summered outdoors. The house looks so uncluttered during the summer but I don’t want to lose all the plants I have had for years. I can either live with a jungle look all winter or make some tough decisions as to which plants I don’t want to keep. Too many plants can become clutter and that is what is starting to happen with my plant collection.

How do you handle these fall gardening chores? Please share your ideas in the comment section.


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The Transition from Summer to Fall

Each weekday my dog starts barking at the school kids running to the bus stop. Then I hear the beeping of the bus backing up at the corner to turn around for it’s journey out of the subdivision. School is back in session.

My youngest is away at college so the familiar rushing around to catch the bus doesn’t happen here anymore. But that doesn’t mean I have lost the old feelings that come with a new start. From the time we were little and got excited about a new school year to when our own children went through school is a good portion of our lives. We become conditioned to looking at this time of year as a fresh start.

Then again maybe it’s because the end of summer is here and now is the time to get back to taking our lives a little more serious. Or maybe it’s because we follow nature (at least in the northern hemisphere) with the impending fall and winter we need to prepare for it. Sort of like the squirrels gathering nuts for the winter.

Any or all of these reasons may make us feel like it is time to get back to the business of taking care of our homes. In Spring we spring clean to make our homes clean and bright for the summer. In Fall we prepare our children for the long school year ahead. We start putting our gardens to bed for winter. We put away the summer clothes and bring out the fall clothes. We even start thinking about the holidays and what our plans will be.

September seems to be that transition month where in the beginning it’s hard to let go of summer but by the end we are ready to move forward to the fall and winter months.

How do you transition from summer to fall during this month?


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Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life

Although it is only August 25th, it feels like the start of a new year for millions of families with children heading off to school. Even if you don’t have children yet or yours are grown and out of the house all the advertisements and news on the TV reminds us.

This is a good time to take stock of your attitude towards home organization and routines. During summer have you found house cleaning more of a chore that takes time away from playtime? Have you eased up on daily routines with your children because of lack of schedules? With the start of school and end of summer are you having a hard time shifting gears and feel overwhelmed?

It’s time for a fresh start and a new attitude. Look at cleaning your home as a blessing for you and your family. You are creating a clean and clutter free environment so everyone, including yourself, can accomplish homework or work, enjoy creative activities, or just relax as a family.

When you decide to clear out some of the clutter look at your unused items and think how you can bless other people by giving them a chance to use them. Sell or donate the items.

When you take the time to plan, shop and cook nutritious foods you are blessing yourself and family by helping everyone try to stay healthy.

So when you have something you have to do but dread it, think of how you can change your attitude towards it. In other words, find the silver lining in the chore and it will become easier to do. Flylady always talks about changing your attitude from looking at something as a chore to looking at it as a blessing. This kind of attitude will make any chore as something you want to do instead of dreading it.

Take the start of the new school year and change of seasons as a time for a fresh attitude. It can change your life from dreading and procrastinating chores to doing them with a smile on your face. That can set a good example for your whole family. They won’t want to miss out on the fun and will be happy to help you.



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