Although it is only August 25th, it feels like the start of a new year for millions of families with children heading off to school. Even if you don’t have children yet or yours are grown and out of the house all the advertisements and news on the TV reminds us.
This is a good time to take stock of your attitude towards home organization and routines. During summer have you found house cleaning more of a chore that takes time away from playtime? Have you eased up on daily routines with your children because of lack of schedules? With the start of school and end of summer are you having a hard time shifting gears and feel overwhelmed?
It’s time for a fresh start and a new attitude. Look at cleaning your home as a blessing for you and your family. You are creating a clean and clutter free environment so everyone, including yourself, can accomplish homework or work, enjoy creative activities, or just relax as a family.
When you decide to clear out some of the clutter look at your unused items and think how you can bless other people by giving them a chance to use them. Sell or donate the items.
When you take the time to plan, shop and cook nutritious foods you are blessing yourself and family by helping everyone try to stay healthy.
So when you have something you have to do but dread it, think of how you can change your attitude towards it. In other words, find the silver lining in the chore and it will become easier to do. Flylady always talks about changing your attitude from looking at something as a chore to looking at it as a blessing. This kind of attitude will make any chore as something you want to do instead of dreading it.
Take the start of the new school year and change of seasons as a time for a fresh attitude. It can change your life from dreading and procrastinating chores to doing them with a smile on your face. That can set a good example for your whole family. They won’t want to miss out on the fun and will be happy to help you.