
Inch by Inch, It’s a Cinch

“Yard by yard, it’s very hard. But inch by inch, it’s a cinch.”


I’ve always loved quotes and find them very inspirational. Many times a few words like the ones above can put things in perspective for me.

So many times we feel overwhelmed by the job facing us. It can be a mountain of laundry, a large pile of bills, a stack of papers to file, or a list of phones calls staring at us from the top of our work desks. We are not even sure where to start.

Well, as the Red King said to Alice in Wonderland:

“Begin at the beginning, go on till you come to the end, and then stop.”

Makes sense, doesn’t it. So why is it so hard to get started? I think it is because we see the “yard by yard” and not the “inch by inch”.

Sometimes it is best to divide the “pile” into smaller piles and handle one at a time.


If you are out of socks and underwear then start with that pile of laundry.

Pay the bills that are due this week.

Separate the papers and phones calls that need to be taken care of now and those that can wait a few days.

Now you have a place to begin.

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”

~Henry Ford


To a lighter load along the way.


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Halloween Decorating Time

Yesterday I noticed that many homes are showing signs that Halloween is not far off. Actually it is only 18 days away. It will be here before you know it.

Since my children are grown and out of the house I haven’t had anyone pressuring me about decorating. If you have younger children I’m sure you hear about it all the time. If you haven’t started yet, like me, then now is a good time to start. …

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I have always been supportive of Breast Cancer Awareness Month since my mother was diagnosed almost 18 years ago. Even after several reoccurrences she is considered a long term survivor. Now that I have been diagnosed with breast cancer this coming month takes on an even greater significance.

I have been researching for information for my monthly newsletter and came across a great website for health resources at: To find out all the health related observances for October you can check out this site:

I plan on sending out the newsletter with this information and lots more in the next day or two. If you are not signed up to receive this free newsletter and would like to, please sign up on the right sidebar.

If you are behind on your yearly mammogram or even your yearly check-up with your doctor this would be a good time to schedule it. By making your appointments in October or early November you will get them out of the way before the holiday rush takes up your time. Our health is so important and many times we take it for granted. Please don’t. As scary as it is if something serious is found at least when found early it can be treated. If something is found at a later date because you procrastinated then it may be too late for a second chance.

Remember, that unless you have a very strong family history of breast cancer the odds are still in your favor that you will not get it. Wouldn’t it be better going into the holidays with a clean bill of health instead of worrying about it if you put off getting your yearly check up?

Here are several sites to check out more information on breast cancer and screening (mammogram and self exams).


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Flood Damaged Clutter

It’s been a couple weeks since I posted here. Almost two weeks ago remnants of hurricane Ike drenched the Midwest resulting in flash floods here in St. Louis. My mother-in-law ended up with seven feet of flood water in the basement of her townhouse.

Needless to say we would not let her stay there at night for fear of mold spores and other possible contaminates in the air. She spent her 83 birthday sleeping at our home. It has taken almost two weeks to have the basement cleaned, sanitized, have the furnace, A/C, and hot water heater replaced, and new washer & dryer delivered. She is finally back home.

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This past summer I was going to help her declutter her basement and have a garage sale. Due to my illness that was postponed. Now the flood waters decluttered the basement for her.

Most of the stuff that was lost was truly clutter for her. She never used the things but couldn’t get rid of them. She thought maybe someone in the family, especially the grandchildren, could use or want them. She has four grandchildren and they all live out of town.

We hold on to things for many different reasons. If you are holding onto something because you think a family member might want it someday, then ask that person now. If they say no then get rid of the item. There is someone out there that can use that item so sell it or give it away to a charity. You’ll be blessing others.


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