Paper Clutter

January is designated by the National Association of Professional organizers (NAPO) as “Get Organized Month”. The one area that I like to start with this month is the paper clutter. This is because we start receiving all those year end summaries from the banks, brokerage firms, our employers, etc. Tax season is right around the corner.

Most of these statements start coming in towards the end of the month but there is a lot we can do to clear out the paper clutter before then. If you have a pile of papers that didn’t get filed because you were busy with the holidays ( I know I do) then now is the time to file them. Getting all the papers off your desk and filed in the proper files (including the trash can file) is the first step to organizing your papers. Once they are cleared off the desk then you can start examining the papers in each individual file.

I will be blogging this month mostly about how to declutter specific areas of paper clutter. My “Tip Newsletter” this week will be addressing magazine clutter and how to reduce it. If you don’t already subscribe to this newsletter then please sign up on the right sidebar to receive it.

There are plenty of papers we keep just because we are not sure whether we need them or not for tax and other legal reasons. I will let you know which ones are necessary to keep and what can go. I will give you plenty of resources to look up more information if you need it.

So let’s make January the month we get rid of papers that are clutter and organize the ones we do need to keep.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or know of any good web-sites that can help us know what to keep and what to get rid of, please let me know in the comment section.



Paper Clutter