Family Fun

Simplify Your Holiday – Tip #10

Are you traveling this holiday season? If you are here are a few tips to help your trip be more organized and fun.

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  • Double check the weather of your destination a week before you leave. You may need to adjust what kind and how much clothing you pack. The weather is unpredictable in many areas this time of year.
  • If you are traveling by plane and taking gifts with you don’t gift wrap them until you arrive at your destination. Security check points may need to see inside the boxes or containers. You can bring wrapping paper, ribbon, tape, and a very small scissors (blades shorter than 4 inches). For more information on what can and cannot be taken on a plane, check out the TSA website.
  • Just because you are traveling by car doesn’t mean you have to over pack it. You will want to leave room for any gifts you receive.
  • Make a Travel Planner and write down everything you want to pack and any other information you may need while you are away. Check out this article for more details on creating your own Travel Planner.

Have a fun, safe, and organized trip by planning ahead.

If you have any tips to share on traveling at this time of year please write them in the comment section. Thanks.


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Simplify Your Holidays – Tip #9

Food is a huge part of the holidays. There’s parties and family dinners along with all the homemade food gifts (cookies, candies, cakes). If you are the one who is in charge of the planning, cooking, and preparing for a party or family dinner then here are some tips to help it from becoming overwhelming.


1. Keep meals simple. Not every dish served at the meal has to be a gourmet delight. If the entree is fancy then keep the sides simple and easy.

2. Make as much ahead of time as possible. You want to be able to spend more time with your guests and less time in the kitchen cooking.

3. Consider Pot Luck parties. Have a horsdoeuvre or dessert party and asks guests to bring their favorite recipe.

4. For a family dinner you can assign a portion of the meal to each person or family. Sharing takes the responsibility off of one person (usually you) from having to do it all. Instead of feeling like just guests they will also feel like contributors.

Remember that people are the most important ingredient at your party or family dinner.

If you have a tip to share please let me know in the comment section. Thanks.


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How to Simplify the Holiday Season

The holiday season is suppose to bring joy, peace, and gratitude for our family, our homes, and our friends. This is the ideal situation.

But for most people the reality is far from the ideal. With the economy the way it is many are struggling just to keep a roof over their head. Others are living in a chaotic mess both figuratively and literally.

So how do we find joy, peace, and gratitude in our lives? One way is to step back and take a good look at our surroundings and learn to simplify. There are areas of your life you can’t change at the moment but there are plenty that you can change. Many are small changes you can do that will help you move closer to the true meaning of this holiday season.

Here are some suggestions.

Holiday Decorations:

Do you look forward to unpacking boxes and boxes and boxes of decorations or are you feeling overwhelmed and dreading it? If you love it, then go for it! But if you are dreading all the work and time then take a few moments to think about why you do something you don’t enjoy.

Maybe this is the year to only take out a few favorite decorations and leave the rest packed up. Would the lack of massive decorations kill the spirit of the holiday for you? Probably not. Fewer decorations (and work) just may help your home look and feel more peaceful.

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When it comes to the economy some are feeling it worse than others. However, we all want the most for our money. But this time of year we sometimes forget that it is the thought that counts and not how much we spend or how many gifts we give or receive.

You can reduce the stress (and clutter) by cutting back on your gift giving to family and friends. At the same time you may want to give more to those less fortunate.

Many local charities have a list of items that some of the neediest families in your home town need. Some charities have you pick a family (anonymously) and purchase some or all the things on their list. This could be the groceries needed for a holiday dinner or clothes such as a robe or slippers or even a winter coat. Get your children involved in the shopping and help them realize how important it is to help others. This helps you and your family put gratitude back into the season.

Holiday Meals:

We all have special foods we expect each year. It’s also fun to try new recipes. If you do all the planning, preparing, and cooking for the big family celebrations it may be time to let others help out.

Have different family members or friends who come to your home also bring a part of the meal. Don’t be afraid to ask. Most people would be honored if asked to bring a special dish. When everyone contributes to the meal they each get a chance to be complimented on their dish. They are no longer just a guest but part of the inner circle.

When everyone helps out it takes a lot of work and stress off of the main hostess. This helps put joy back in the season for everyone, not just the guests.

Small changes can add up. Don’t try to do it all, buy it all, or cook it all. This is the time where less really can be more – more joy, more peace, more gratitude.

Please share any ideas you may have in the comment section. Thanks.


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Holiday Planning “To-Do List”

Are you having Thanksgiving dinner at your house? What about Christmas or Hanukkah? Are you traveling out of town to visit relatives or are they coming to visit you?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions now is the time to start planning your “to-do list” so everything runs smooth and on time.

Turkey Rolls

Holiday Meal Planner

Gather up a pad of paper or spiral notebook, a calendar, and a pen. If you are planning a holiday meal decide what the whole menu will be and write it down on one piece of paper. Do this at least several weeks before the date.

If guests and/or family members bring different dishes, write their name next to it on the menu. Make sure they know what they are expected to bring and how many guests will be at the table.

Once you know what dishes your will be making then write down all the ingredients needed. Make a shopping list and take advantage of the sales on the non-perishables ahead of time.


Holiday Home Cleaning Planner

Creating a planner to prepare your home for the holiday meal is similar the plan for the meal. It can be set up in the same notebook. Make a list of everything that needs to be done starting with the day of the party and work your way backwards. If you work outside the home and don’t have a full couple of days ahead to clean, then list a few tasks for each day starting 3 or 4 days to a week ahead of time.

List the day and date and then fill in what you want to get done on those days. If you don’t complete the task on the designated day then transfer it to the next day. It will make more work for you the next day but also give you a greater sense of urgency if you keep procrastinating. Enlist help from family members. Write their name next to the task and let them mark it off when they have completed it. This will help them know what is expected from them each day.


Travel Planner

If you’re traveling to visit relatives, make a Travel Planner to keep you organized.


Please let me know how you plan your holiday meals or trips by leaving a comment.



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First Day of Autumn

Today is the first day of Autumn. Here in the Midwest some of the trees have been dropping their leaves. Others, like the dogwood outside my window, are beginning to change colors. The local grocery stores are displaying potted mums in full bloom.


I know it doesn’t look like Autumn everywhere but that doesn’t mean you can’t start enjoying the season. Red, gold, and orange colors dominate the crafts and other decorations for the home. You can have your own home get the Autumn feeling by making some easy decorations. Here are some links with lots of ideas for you and your children. Many use items you are ready have or can be found in nature. Have fun.


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