Family Fun

Clear Out The Clutter On Snowy Days

The news today said that at least one third of the nation (USA) will experience some of this huge winter storm. I know here in St. Louis we are under a Blizzard warning. I don’t ever remember being under that kind of warning before.



Because of this storm many people will find themselves stuck in their homes for at least a couple of days, maybe even longer. If you have children that means they are out of school and will either be glued to the TV watching movies, reruns, or cartoons, on the computer playing games, or be bored out of their minds and driving you crazy.

So take advantage of this time stuck in the house to do so decluttering and organizing with your children. Of course, if you don’t have children at home you can still do some of the projects listed below. A lot of these ideas are from Chapter 4 (Paper Memories) in the eBook “Cut Out The Paper Clutter”.

  1. Go through your boxes of photos and throw away the bad shots. These may include ones with the heads cut off, blurred shots that are unidentifiable, too dark or too light, or duplicates.
  2. While going through the photos be sure to write any information about them on the back. It’s best to use a photo safe pen if you have one. If you’re doing this with your children then take the time to talk about the photos. They probably will find it a lot more interesting than reruns on the TV.
  3. Pull out those boxes of your children’s saved papers from past school years (or your own). Go down memory lane with them and then get rid of as many as possible. Usually when you do this you’ll be asking yourself, “Why did I keep this?”. When time loosens the hold these items have on you or your children, take advantage of it and let them go.
  4. Snowy days are also a good time to go through the overstuffed bookshelves and all those DVD’s or even VHS tapes if you have them. Pull out any you know you’ll never read or watch again. Put them in a box or bag to take to your local charity next time you run errands. You’ll be giving other children or adults a chance to read those books or watch the DVD’s.
  5. This is also a good time to pull out some of those craft supplies and get creative. When supplies sit there unused for long periods of time they can become clutter. But if they are used in the process of a creative project, they are not clutter!

If you are one of those stuck at home due to the weather don’t sit around and waste the time. Have fun going through things and clear out some of the clutter at the same time. You won’t regret it!


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If you have piles of paper clutter then you need to get my eBook, “Cut Out The Paper Clutter”. It can help you clear out those piles and organize the important papers.


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Only 18 Days Till Thanksgiving

It’s hard to believe there are only 18 days until Thanksgiving. For the last 10 plus years we have gone over to my sister-in-laws so I haven’t had too much work to do. I would make homemade rolls and pumpkin pie. Other than that I just had to show up.

This year is different. My mother has been ill so we will be having it at her house but I’m the one who will be doing most of the work. My sister and her family are coming in town but not until Weds afternoon. She will be able to help me with all the last minute preparations but I will have to plan, organize, and shop ahead of time. On top of that both of my sons and daughter-in-law will be visiting this year.

Now that I have a confirmed head count I will go to the grocery and order a fresh turkey to be picked up on Weds November 24. Because it’s been a long time since I have had to do so much for Thanksgiving I’m going to create a planner to help me keep on track.

I found a great website where you can print a customized planner and calendar that will help you keep track of what you need to do when and where.

I just found this site today and ironically it has “order fresh turkey” for the task listed for today, Nov 8. I won’t be getting to the store today but I’m sure tomorrow will still be soon enough.

Here is another website where you can print out a Thanksgiving Countdown and get lots of other help with planning and organizing.

I’ve printed out some of the information from the above sites and put them in a 3-ring binder. This will be my Thanksgiving planner. As I gather my recipes, shopping lists, etc. I’ll put them in the planner. By reviewing it everyday it will help me stay organized so I can avoid any last minute chaos.

Below are some other links for Thanksgiving and for Veterans Day which is this coming Thursday.

*Veterans Day – Thursday, November 11

*Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 25


If you have piles of paper clutter then you need to get my eBook, “Cut Out The Paper Clutter”. It can help you clear out the piles and organize the important papers.


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November Holidays

Below are the dates and some links for the holidays in the month of November. Mark your calendars and start planning your “to do” lists so you can enjoy the holidays without the last minute chaos. If you need some ideas on planning out those lists then check out this blog post.

*Election Day – Tuesday , November 2

*Daylight Saving Time Ends – Sunday, November 7

*Veterans Day – Thursday, November 11

*Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 25


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October Holidays and Observances

It’s hard to believe September is almost over. The school routines should be in place by now and hopefully running smooth. The cooler weather (at least in the northern parts of the country) is setting in plus the daylight hours are getting shorter and shorter.

There are only a couple of holidays during the month of October but there are many, many “observances” for either a day, a week, or the month. Here are two sites that list lots of these special observances. It’s amazing how many different things can be celebrated during this month. I have not check out many of them but you can Google any that interest you.

I’ve listed some of the more common observances below. The one that has the most significance to me is “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”.  I’m a breast cancer survivor along with my mother and sister.  I have done a little more research for links to help educate you on the subject. Most people know at least one person or family that has dealt with breast cancer. Learn how to reduce the risks for yourself and your family members. Give generously (money and/or time) to the charity of your choice. The more we all contribute to finding a cure the sooner we won’t have to live in fear of cancer.

Ok, I’m getting off my soap box. Check out the links below. October is not only a month to educate yourself on a variety of topics (see above links) but to have lots of fun!


October 11, (Monday) Columbus Day

This is a Federal Holiday so most Federal buildings and the post office will be closed.

October 31, (Sunday) Halloween

I’ll add more links as the month goes on so be sure to check this blog often. If you have any suggestions for Halloween fun please let me know in the comment section. Thanks.

Other Observances

October 3 – 9, National Fire Prevention Week

October 1-31, Breast Cancer Awareness Month




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Important Dates in September

When I started this blog a few years ago I had a separate newsletter that listed all the special dates for the current month. I discontinued that newsletter and added the information to my Tip newsletter. Then I got away from putting that information there also. So now I’ve decided to put it on the blog.

I know a lot of readers liked getting these dates and links so they could plan ahead to celebrate the holiday or event. Getting organized by planning ahead for things is the key to enjoying them with a lot less stress.

If you have any links or know of special dates of interest for the current or upcoming months, please let me know in the comment section. To avoid spam I have to approve the comments before they are posted but I check often for new comments and post them as soon as possible. Thank you.

September 11, (Saturday)

September 12, (Sunday) National Grandparents Day

September 21, (Tuesday) International Day Of Peace

September is National Apple Month.

Although this is an event that the apple industry takes part in to promote the sale of apples they also want to educate the consumer on the benefits of apples. As the weather gets cooler and the days shorter the taste for crisp, cold apples or the smell of apple pie baking comes to mind. Here are some links that give you information on the benefits of eating apples plus loads of recipes. Enjoy and get healthy!

If you have a problem controlling the paper piles in your home or office be sure to check out what tips and ideas are offered in my new eBook,

3Debook_Clutter8 Cut Out The Paper Clutter”.

Janice Scissors

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