
Gardening Master List

The weather finally cooperated for me to get some things done around the yard. I planted a few flowerpots and window boxes. My husband helped me wash the deck and bring out the chair cushions. We even ate dinner on the back porch.

I walked around the house this weekend to see what needed to be done in each zone. I have the front and each side as separate zones. The back near the house and around the elevated deck is divided into three different zones. I have hills there and one side is shaded and the other in sun. It is easier to work on them if they are in different zone areas.

I haven’t decided what to work on first but with it all written down I can now prioritize it. During the weekdays I will only work on the things that take a short time to do. These will include planting a few vegetables or flowers and some light pruning. The things that require more work will be done on weekends. With my master list in front of me I can plan on what I need for the weekend project.

Having a master list should help me accomplish some of my landscape goals this summer. Since it is written down I won’t have the excuse of forgetting it.

Janice Scissors

Check out my web site at: https://cutclutterwithscissors.com

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Gardening – Where to Start

Gardening season is getting a late start here in the Midwest due to the unseasonably cool weather and rain. I have already lost a month of the season and now it is catch up time. When things don’t go as planned it is so easy to get overwhelmed.

This weekend I will take paper and pen and walk all around the outside of my house. I will write down what needs to be done, both maintenance and fun things. The front, back, and each side of the house will be a separate zone.

As I examine each zone I will write down what needs to be done with the house itself. Does the house need painting or a gutter fixed? Do the windows need fresh caulk or a crack in the foundation filled? Then I will write down what needs to be done with the landscaping in that zone. Does it need more mulch, shrubs pruned, or flowers purchased and planted? What are the growing conditions in that area? If you take that information to the garden center you will be able to buy plants that match that environment, thus making your gardening easier all summer long.


After I finish writing down what is needed and what I would like to do (the fun stuff), I will prioritize the list for each zone. This way I have a clearer idea of what needs be done first and what can wait.

This technique helps me get rid of that overwhelmed feeling so I can start taking action to accomplish my gardening tasks.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Share your techniques in the comment section.

Janice Scissors https://cutclutterwithscissors.com

P.S. If you would like to receive weekly decluttering tips then sign up for my “free” newsletters.

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Graduation Gifts

Do you know someone who is graduating high school or college in the next few weeks? This is the time of year that we see all the commercials and advertisements on what to buy those graduates. If you need to buy someone a gift you want to be careful to about getting things that can become clutter.

If that graduate is heading off to college and dorm life, beware that there are restrictions about what they can have in their rooms. Candles and many small cooking appliances are not allowed in most dorms. The students are also limited in what they can hang on the walls, requiring special tapes and hangers. Some dorms require special size sheets and comforters (X-long) and some don’t. If you want to buy the graduate linens then find out the size first.

If you don’t feel comfortable asking about size and other restrictions you may be better off giving a gift certificate to a local store. The only caution here is with the economy being so bad and a store goes into bankruptcy those gift cards may be worthless. So, if possible, try to make sure the gift card is at a store you know the graduate will be able to shop at this summer and buy what he/she needs.

When my younger son was heading off to college a couple of years ago he took his gift cards and was able to buy what he felt he needed for the dorm. Most of his cards were at Target which worked out well. He did receive some gift cards at stores that were not as convenient for us to shop at and they didn’t get used right away.


If you have a college graduate to buy for you have a much larger choice of what they could use. If they lived in a dorm or furnished apartment at school then they may need a whole lot of things. Either find out what they need or give them a check or gift card. It takes a lot of money to set up a new apartment and start a new life.

Janice Scissors


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It’s a good time to start exercising.

I read Dear Abby in the paper this morning and found out that this is National Women’s Health Week. She gave information about a free Health and Beauty Kit that was being offered by the FDA. You can sign up for this kit to be mailed to you. The site was very slow this morning but I was able to request the kit. There is a limited amount of them so if you are interested then you may want to check it out as soon as possible.

May is a good month to think about our health. There are lots of web sites that can help you lose weight, exercise more, or get interested in different activities. The Flylady site has started a Walk around the World for her moving in May.

America on the Move (AOM) is another good site to check out. It is geared towards women, men, and now they even have a family section. I did it a few years ago where I kept track of my steps with a pedometer and posted them on the site. I had to do so many steps during a six week challenge. They send you reminders plus give you tips on how to cut calories. Since I have put on a few pounds this winter I think I will sign up again for another six weeks.

Time to get moving!

Janice Scissors https://cutclutterwithscissors.com

It’s a good time to start exercising. Read More »

Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas, non-clutter

Mother’s Day is in two days. If you haven’t gotten her a gift yet now is the time. My weekly decluttering newsletter addressed the issue of gifts that don’t add clutter.

Since I just started this weekly newsletter many of you may not have signed up yet to receive it. I am posting a copy below so you can see how this newsletter will be beneficial to you.

Be sure to sign up now so you don’t miss out on any future decluttering and organizing tips. As always, I respect your privacy and will not sell, trade, or distribute your information to any third party.

If you would like to stay updated with my blog posts then please sign up to have it emailed to you. To help control email clutter I have made this a separate sign-up. This way you can decide if you want both the blog and newsletters emailed to you(please sign-up on both forms) or just one or the other.

Happy Mother’s Day

Janice Scissors https://cutclutterwithscissors.com



Decluttering Tips Newsletter

Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday. Have you bought her a gift yet?

Mother’s Day is one of the most commercial holidays in the United States. Lots of cards and gifts are given on this day to honor our mothers. The problem arises when these gifts add to the clutter of their homes. When celebrating the holiday this year think of all the things you can give or do that don’t add clutter. Here is a list of ideas.

You may want to pass this list to your own children and/or spouse and ask them not to buy you anything that adds to your clutter. It’s the thought that counts. And even more important it is to honor mothers for all they do.

  • Give flowers. They are beautiful to see first thing in the morning and last about a week.
  • Take her out to eat or have her over for brunch. Spending this precious time together is what counts.
  • If you want to buy a gift make sure it is one she either wants or is something she can use up. Bubble bath, candles, or lotion would work.
  • If she likes candy but is watching her diet than look for a small but special candy she wouldn’t buy for herself.
  • You can give her a gift card for a play or movie. No clutter there.
  • You can print out gift certificates for services you can do for her. You can promise to wash her car or trim her hedges. Make it things you can easily do for her when she turns the certificate in for your service.
  • You can buy a gift certificate for a day spa so she can pamper herself.

There are lots of things to do or give your mother without adding clutter. The best thing you can give her is your time.

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