
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Yesterday millions of Americans took action and exercised their right to vote. That one action let us determine who will be our next president and the direction we hope he will lead us in.

The old saying, “Actions speak louder than words” is so true. Whether the action is casting a vote that can help change the course of history or it is finally getting rid of a beloved dress that no longer fits, the action moves us forward.

Will Rogers said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you sit there.” So take an action today, however small it may be, to declutter your home or life.

Recycle that pile of old magazines or newspapers. Your time is too precious to waste reading old news. Put that dress that never fit right into the charity bag. You’re not going to wear it, maybe someone else can. What about your stockpile of food on the pantry shelf? If it is expired then throw it away. If it is good then either plan on using it soon or if you don’t like anymore donate it to a food pantry.

Take an action today and another one tomorrow and another one the next day. You’ll be moving forward and virtually eliminate the chance of getting run over.



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Inch by Inch, It’s a Cinch

“Yard by yard, it’s very hard. But inch by inch, it’s a cinch.”


I’ve always loved quotes and find them very inspirational. Many times a few words like the ones above can put things in perspective for me.

So many times we feel overwhelmed by the job facing us. It can be a mountain of laundry, a large pile of bills, a stack of papers to file, or a list of phones calls staring at us from the top of our work desks. We are not even sure where to start.

Well, as the Red King said to Alice in Wonderland:

“Begin at the beginning, go on till you come to the end, and then stop.”

Makes sense, doesn’t it. So why is it so hard to get started? I think it is because we see the “yard by yard” and not the “inch by inch”.

Sometimes it is best to divide the “pile” into smaller piles and handle one at a time.


If you are out of socks and underwear then start with that pile of laundry.

Pay the bills that are due this week.

Separate the papers and phones calls that need to be taken care of now and those that can wait a few days.

Now you have a place to begin.

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”

~Henry Ford


To a lighter load along the way.


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Halloween Decorating Time

Yesterday I noticed that many homes are showing signs that Halloween is not far off. Actually it is only 18 days away. It will be here before you know it.

Since my children are grown and out of the house I haven’t had anyone pressuring me about decorating. If you have younger children I’m sure you hear about it all the time. If you haven’t started yet, like me, then now is a good time to start. …

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