
Decluttering Receipts

Each year I put my receipts in a file folder I keep in my file cabinet. If I need the receipt for anything that is broken or I’m just curious how old something is I can look for it in the file.

By the end of the year all these receipts can take up way too much drawer space so it becomes necessary to declutter them. January is a good time to sit down and go through the file and clear it out. It’s easy to do while watching TV in the evenings. It feels so good to throw away all those small pieces of paper I don’t need anymore.

The question comes in as to which ones to keep and which can be thrown away or shredded. Last night as I went through the file I kept only the receipts of items that may be under warranty or I may need for business or tax purposes. Usually I file the business or tax receipts in their respective files but occasionally they get in the general receipt file. All those receipts for clothes, shoes, or misc. items that were put on the charge cards will be shredded unless they fit the categories above. I will keep the receipts for the items that are only a couple of months old. I can declutter them later in the year.

I have a few receipts that ended up in the general file that should be stapled or tape to the warranty or instruction sheet. I will need to take care of those. I have separate file folders for different types of items such as kitchen appliances, small electronics, computers, household appliances, etc. Keeping the receipts with corresponding papers makes it easy to know if it is still under warranty when something goes wrong.

I found this site that handles receipts a little differently than I do. Her way requires more discipline to handle the files monthly. I would probably not remember or find the time to do it that way. Everyone needs to find out what works best for them. So check out the site to see other ways of how to handle those multiplying receipts.





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Paper Clutter

January is designated by the National Association of Professional organizers (NAPO) as “Get Organized Month”. The one area that I like to start with this month is the paper clutter. This is because we start receiving all those year end summaries from the banks, brokerage firms, our employers, etc. Tax season is right around the corner.

Most of these statements start coming in towards the end of the month but there is a lot we can do to clear out the paper clutter before then. If you have a pile of papers that didn’t get filed because you were busy with the holidays ( I know I do) then now is the time to file them. Getting all the papers off your desk and filed in the proper files (including the trash can file) is the first step to organizing your papers. Once they are cleared off the desk then you can start examining the papers in each individual file.

I will be blogging this month mostly about how to declutter specific areas of paper clutter. My “Tip Newsletter” this week will be addressing magazine clutter and how to reduce it. If you don’t already subscribe to this newsletter then please sign up on the right sidebar to receive it.

There are plenty of papers we keep just because we are not sure whether we need them or not for tax and other legal reasons. I will let you know which ones are necessary to keep and what can go. I will give you plenty of resources to look up more information if you need it.

So let’s make January the month we get rid of papers that are clutter and organize the ones we do need to keep.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or know of any good web-sites that can help us know what to keep and what to get rid of, please let me know in the comment section.





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Renewed Dreams

As 2008 comes to a close I’m looking back on the past year to see what has been accomplished and what hasn’t. My tendency, like most people, is to focus on the negative or what wasn’t done as opposed to the positive. We all look for excuses for our so called “failings”. Then get mad at ourselves for using them. Life is always throwing curve balls so many of these excuses are legitimate. I know I am too hard on myself. Are you?

The end of the year is a good time to absorb the meaning of the words in the serenity payer.

“God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.”

~ Reinhold Niebuhr

There are many times where we don’t have control over our lives. There are also many times we do.

At the beginning of 2008 I made the decision to pursue my dream of writing by combining it with a long running interest in home organization. I set up this blog and started a website. I write a weekly and monthly newsletter. My goal was to write e-books with more in-depth information and sell them. Things were going according to plan until June when I was diagnosis with breast cancer. A big curve ball!

So my plans and goals for 2008 were force to be changed. A legitimate excuse. I have tried to keep up the newsletters but the e-books have not been completed.

I have finished the chemotherapy and currently am in the middle of radiation treatments. I will have a ninety minute IV drip of a targeted drug (Herceptin) every three weeks till next July. So 2009 will continue to be somewhat controlled by health issues. At least there is an end in sight.

So my plans and goals for 2009 will have to adjust to what did and did not happen the past year. I’m sure many of you have had to deal with curve balls in your life this past year. Whether it is health issues, economic issues, or any other problems you didn’t expect, remember that a new year is upon us. It’s time to renew our dreams and have the courage to change what we can to make them happen.

Happy New Year.




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This is a tough holiday season for many people. The economy has impacted most of us in one way or another. Even if you can’t buy as much or do as much as you would like, remember it is the little things that count.

Look for all the good things you can be grateful for such as your family, health, a roof over your head, friends, and many other things. We tend to focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do have.

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” ~Epictetus

“If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.” ~Robert Quillen



http://cutoutthebreastcancer.wordpress.com (blog)

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Holiday Baking/Cooking Supplies

The holidays are upon us. Ovens are heating up and luscious smells are coming from them. Do you have all your baking supplies ready to go? Have you checked your recipes for ingredients needed? If not, now is the time to make that grocery list.

Make sure your ingredients are fresh. Most have “best used by” dates on the packages. If you put some of your ingredients into canisters, do you remember when you bought that last bag of flour? Flour gets rancid over time. Baking soda and baking powder get old and will not leaven your baked goods as well. Spices and herbs lose their punch.


If there isn’t a date on the package to go by you might be better off buying new. After all, you put your time and love into baking those cookies and cakes so you want the freshest ingredients to make them taste their best.

If you get all those supplies in the house now you will be able to bake up a storm when the weather outside is frightful.

When you start making that holiday meal (all or part of it) you’ll want everything ready to go. Plan ahead now so you won’t be heading to the grocery store for last minute items with all those unorganized people.




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