
New Article on Paper Clutter

I found a new website where I am posting some articles on decluttering. The site is called eHow.com. There are all kinds of articles on different subjects that can help you learn how to doing something.

Please check out my article, How to Divide and Conquer Paper Clutter. I plan on adding lots of articles in the near future and will let you know when I do.





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American Heart Month

I hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day. The red hearts of love were all around.

The American Heart Association has designated February to be concerned with another heart, the muscle that keeps you alive. If you haven’t had your cholesterol or blood pressure checked for a while now would be a good time to call your doctor for an annual checkup. If you have heart disease in your family there are many things you can do to reduce your risks.

Fortunately, heart disease is one of the health issues where your lifestyle can make a big difference. My father had a heart attack at age 52 (he survived it) back in 1978. The whole family learned how to eat better and exercise more. My husband has controlled his blood pressure through diet and exercise for years. It is very prevalent in his family and he works hard to avoid having to take medicine to control it.

No matter what your age it is important to know your numbers for cholesterol and blood pressure. This month start to learn all you can to adopt a healthy lifestyle. That way your heart, the muscle that keeps you alive, can enjoy many Valentine’s Days to come.




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Saving for Company

I just became aware of a website that had a very interesting article on it called “No Company Cheese!”. It is about how we save things for company and treat the residents of the home (including ourselves) as second class citizens. Check out the article at http://planethomeandgarden.com/.

The website owner had seen how my post from last June on “Mindfulness in the Home” was about learning to enjoy our homes by paying attention to what is going on in the current moment of our lives.

I have posted a copy of the original blog post below for you to read again or read for the first time if you are new to my blog. My post and the one above can really get you thinking.





Mindfulness in the Home

Posted on June 18th, 2008 by Janice

I was thinking about mindfulness and how it can apply to home organization. So I decided to look up the meaning to see if was a good word choice. There are several definitions depending on if it is used in reference to Buddhism or psychology.

The more general meaning of mindfulness is paying attention to what is going on at the current moment of our life. In other words, paying attention on purpose in the present moment without being judgmental. Hard to say, even harder to apply.


Mindfulness is usually referring to our thoughts and learning to control them. When chaos is all around us in the form of clutter then our thoughts are not usually nonjudgmental. They are more about; who made the mess, how did it get this bad, why am I the one who always has to clean it up, how did so many things accumulate so fast, why can’t anyone let go of these things including me, etc. On and on the negative thoughts swirl around in your head.

Learning to pay attention on purpose to these thoughts can help us learn not to be so negative or judgmental. When we are aware that our surroundings are causing these negative thoughts then we have greater freedom to respond instead of react.

Many times we are on auto-pilot as we go through the day. If we do this while cleaning a bathroom or washing the dishes then it is okay because we have created good habits to take care of these necessary jobs. But if we put the mail on the counter to “deal with later”, or leave the snack dishes and games, etc. out in the family room to “deal with in the morning” then we are on auto-pilot in a bad way.

These are the times we need to practice mindfulness. We need to learn to pay attention on purpose in the present moment so we can take care of our environment.

So next time you start building or adding to a hot spot, stop and take a deep breath. Get off auto-pilot for a moment and become aware of your current thoughts. Do you dread dealing with the mail? Are you too tired to clean up the family room before bed? When you become aware of the thoughts that are causing the bad habit then you can take the steps needed to change it.


P.S. Be sure to check my website often. I will be adding articles on different topics periodically. If you have a suggestion or topic you would like to find out more about then either leave me a comment or email me at janice@cutclutterwithscissors.com.

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Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

Tomorrow is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. It is officially celebrated on this coming Monday which is President’s Day. Don’t forget that on Monday the banks, government offices, post office, and most schools will be closed.

My monthly newsletter for February has listed several websites to learn more about Abraham Lincoln. I have posted a link to the newsletter on the sidebar of this blog for your convenience.

There are also websites listed for Valentine’s Day activities you can do with your children. If they are having their school parties in the next couple of days then check out those sites for Valentine card designs and crafts.

To get a copy of the newsletter for March sent to you, please sign up on the sidebar. It will be sent to your email box by the beginning of March.

I would love to hear from you about the monthly newsletter. Does it help you plan out the month with dates listed? Are the links helpful? Is there something else you would like to see in this newsletter to help plan and organize the current month?

If you have suggestions of comments please let me know. Post them in the comment section. I appreciate any ideas that will help me improve the newsletters. Thank you.



http://cutoutthebreastcancer.wordpress.com (blog)

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Decluttering Expired First-Aid Supplies

When I write my tip newsletters I write about things I have done and know that they work for me. I also write about things that I may not do all the time so I will research the subject online. Cleaning out expired first-aid supplies is one of those.


I printed out a list of supplies from the Mayo Clinic. Then I went and checked my first-aid kit. I keep my supplies in a clear plastic shoe box on a shelf in the hall closet. While checking the dates on the antibiotic cream and the anti-itch cream I found that both were expired. Yikes! I threw them out and put both on my shopping list. I will replace them this week.

I keep my prescription medicines in the kitchen pantry in another clear shoe box. I will check those meds to see if I need to dispose of any old ones. My newsletter mentioned some of the ways to properly dispose of old medicines. The Whitehouse website has more information.

If you have any other ideas on what to keep in a first-aid kit and keep it current, then please let me know in the comment section. Thanks.




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