
Organize Your Home Office Day

Today is “Organize Your Home Office Day”. Everyone has a home office whether it is for work, personal, or both. Below is a copy of my free weekly newsletter I send to my subscribers. I don’t normally post it on this blog so if you are not a subscriber please sign up on the right sidebar to receive future newsletters. The link for the March monthly newsletter is also posted on the right sidebar.

Decluttering Tip Newsletter – Home Office
Volume 2, Issue 10

Today is “Organize Your Home Office Day”. It would be nice to be able to take a whole day to organize your office. I don’t have a whole day for it and I doubt you do either. So I’m suggesting a “Organize Your Home Office Week”. By doing a little each day you will have your office decluttered and running efficiently by the end of the week.
If you work out of your home you probably have an office set up in a spare room or at least a corner of a room. If your home office is for personal use then you may not have a permanent office set up. It doesn’t matter. You can still organize your “home office” to help tackle that paperwork as efficiently as possible.
The easiest way I find to have an efficient and decluttered office is to break it into zones. There are three main zones and they will work whether you have a permanent office or a portable office. They are your “Active” zone, “Semi-Active” zone, and “Inactive” zone.

This area will be the desk or table you sit at and do your work. You’ll want to have all the supplies you use on a daily basis within arms reach. This would be the pens, notepaper, envelopes, stamps, bills, calendar or planner, phone, stapler, and any other items you find yourself using. Look at your desk area and if there are things you rarely use then think about where else you can store them. Free up this space for the items you use daily.

If you have a portable office then you will need to have a box, briefcase, or some way to store these items so it is easy to set up your office when you need to and put it away when you are finished.

This area should be somewhere nearby where you store extra office supplies, file folders, reference books, computer software, backup disks, etc. When you need a certain file or reference book you don’t want to spend a lot of time searching for it. If you don’t have a lot of storage area for office supplies you can store them together in a box in a closet or even under the bed. If everything is kept in one place then you can easily find the extra copy paper, printer ink, staples, or pens. Unless you go through your supplies very fast because of your type work or have a large family, don’t stock up too much. It will become clutter. Inks and pens can dry out. Paper and envelopes can turn yellow.

File folders you use on a regular basis need to be in this semi-active zone. If you have room for a file draw or cabinet then keep it in this room or near the area. Remember, this is for active files only so you shouldn’t need a wall full of file cabinets. Portable file boxes can be used if you don’t have room for a permanent file draw.

This is where you will keep all the inactive files that you don’t need to access more than once a year. Old tax returns, old bank statements, canceled checks, etc. These can be stored in the back of a closet, under a bed, or in an attic. I don’t recommend storing papers in a basement unless it is a finished area that you know is not damp.

This week focus mainly on the active zone and the semi-active zone. When these two zones are organized you will find you can get your work done more efficiently.

Decluttering and organizing the inactive zone would be a good rainy day weekend project. It won’t affect your daily work like the other zones but is still important in the long run.

To a lighter load along the way.

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you know who may benefit from this tip.


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Spring Cleaning

It’s March so there is hope that spring is right around the corner. It’s cloudy, windy, and mild (68 degrees) here in the Midwest. A typical March day.

When the calendar changes and the temperature rises I start thinking about spring cleaning. Years ago spring cleaning meant cleaning the soot from the coal furnaces, fireplaces, and candles off of the walls and furniture. Opening the windows so the fresh air would get rid of the stale smells from winter was all part of it.

Today most homes rarely have soot build up to worry about. Usually it is more the build-up of clutter from a long winter of hibernating. I know, hibernation is about animals, not people. But the part of the definition of it is: inactivity, conserving energy, slow metabolism. How much does this describe our winter habits?

So when warm weather hits we become more active, look around at our homes and see the clutter that has built-up over the winter. Time to spring clean those piles of magazines, extra throws on the couches, stacks of DVD’s, video games,and books that kept us busy on the cold long nights.


I’ve opened the windows to air out the house. In the evenings I will start going through the magazines in the magazine rack that is now overflowing.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be done all in one weekend like people use to do. One small project each day will make a big difference by the time the end of March comes.

Let me know what projects you are doing to spring clean your home. Please leave a comment.




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Wants Vs. Needs

Wants vs. needs seems to be the catch phrase of the day. Actually, I think that is a good thing. Do you know the difference between your wants and your needs?

We have been convinced by media and advertising agencies that we need to have all these things in order to be happy. There is nothing wrong with wanting things to make us happy. The line blurs when we start looking at these wants as needs. We know the difference. It’s not easy to face.

With the economy the way it is now this is a good time to look at all the things you own and label them as “wants” or “needs“. If you are working on decluttering your home these labels will make it easier to let go of some of the clutter.

Needs keep us alive and safe. Food, shelter, basic clothing are a few of these. Depending on where you live and work, reliable transportation may be a need. Beyond the basics everyone’s needs will depend on their circumstances.

The wants are the big fancy cars we buy on credit or the big new home we can barely afford. Do we really need a TV and computer in every room of the house? Do we wear all the clothes that are stuffed in the closets and drawers? What about all the toys taking over the house or the piles of books, DVD’s, and video games?

Wants enrich our lives but too many of them create clutter in our homes. Before you go shopping again think about what you are buying. Is it a need or is it a want? There is nothing wrong with buying it for either reason as long as you recognize why you are buying it.

Go around your home and practice labeling your items as wants or needs. Just think how good it will feel to bless others with some of your extra wants. Donate them to a local charity so others can buy a few wants at a price they can afford.



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Rainbow Picture

I’m back from Portland and here is the picture of a rainbow I saw from the hotel window.


The weather was more winter like than spring like for this time of year. A rainbow one day and snow the next.


Upon arriving back in St. Louis on Saturday evening the temperature was in the low 30’s. I am so ready for spring to arrive.

Now that the calendar says March it’s time for spring fever to kick in. Spring cleaning won’t be far behind.

I sent out the March Organizing Newsletter today. If you are not signed up to receive it then you will be able to read it on this blog tomorrow. It will be posted on the sidebar. There is a lot of information listed on it for the holiday’s and events that are taking place this month. Check back here often for more tips on organizing during the month of March.




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A Lucky Rainbow?

I’m sitting here in a hotel room in Portland, Oregon. As I was searching the internet for information on St. Patrick’s Day for the March newsletter I looked out the window and was amazed at what I saw. It is a partly cloudy day and directly in my view was a rainbow in the horizon. I grabbed my pocket camera and took some pictures. What are the odds of reading about St. Pat’s day and seeing a rainbow. I wonder if a pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow waiting for me.

I would post a picture except this is an old laptop and doesn’t have a card reader. I did buy a portable card reader and planned on bringing it. Somehow I forgot. It is probably sitting on my desk at home. Oh well, I think I remembered everything else for this trip. I’ll post a picture of the rainbow when I get home.

Anyway, I plan on having the March newsletter out by this weekend so you can start planning for the different events going on. I would love to have some feedback on the monthly newsletters. Do you find them helpful? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve them? Please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks.

You can see February’s newsletter by clicking on it in the sidebar to the right. If you aren’t signed up to receive this newsletter plus the weekly decluttering tip newsletter then please do so on the right sidebar.




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