
Mistakes As Clutter

Here is last week’s newsletter. I want to post it here so people can leave comments if they would like.

We all make mistakes. Most of the time we learn from our mistakes and move on. When it comes to clutter “mistakes” sometimes we hold on to the clutter as a constant reminder of the mistake we made. Why do we do this to ourselves?
Think about some of the things we do that we consider mistakes. What if you go out to eat and end up disappointed with it. So what do you do now? You acknowledge your mistake and either don’t go to that restaurant again or make sure not to order that item or a similar one.

What you don’t do is dwell on it every time you drive by the building, nor do you bring home the leftovers and preserve them so you can look at them daily to remind you of wasting money on that dinner. This idea seems way out there but it is exactly what we do to ourselves when we buy a material item ( clothes, books, decorative items, furniture, etc.)

Yesterday my son, who just graduated college, was going through his clothes. He will be heading out to Los Angeles to find a job with computers and visual arts. He came upon a pair of jeans he bought two years ago. The price tags were still on them. He never like the way they fit but his older brother convinced him to buy them.
At first I felt angry for the wasted money spent (my money) then I saw his face. He also felt bad. I realized it was a “mistake” and it was time to let it go. I told him to put the jeans in the give away bag and someone else will get a chance to enjoy them. It was time to let go of the mistake and move forward.

How many “mistakes” to you have hanging in your closet, sitting of a shelf, or staring at you every time you walk into a room? Was it a waste of money? Perhaps. But so was the dinner you didn’t like or you thought you were overcharged for.

So why do we continue to hold onto the material things and constantly punish ourselves for that mistake? I think it has to do with the fact that nobody likes making mistakes and we feel guilty if we make them. We feel like we should be punished for wasting money. We value the money more than we value our own piece of mind.

Those “mistakes” are clutter in your home and mind. Let them go! Stop punishing yourself. The piece of mind and freedom you get with a clean and decluttered home is worth more than any supposedly wasted money.

Let me know what you think about “mistakes as clutter”.

To a lighter load along the way.

Janice Scissors

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ACS Relay For Life

Last night I walked in the survivor lap for the first time at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I have walked as a caregiver/family member with my mother (19 year survivor) pictured with me below.

This is also the first time I have worked at fundraising for a cause. I’ve donated to many causes in the past but never asked others to help out. I’m asking now.


If you can help me reach my fundraising goal I would appreciate it. You can donate at my page on the American Cancer Society website.


Last night I saw many survivors of all ages, gender, race, and nationality. Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It was hard seeing a young mother or father wearing a purple shirt walking around with their young children holding their hands. You know those parents want to be around to see their children grow up, go to proms, graduate high school and college, marry, and start a family of their own.

It was especially hard to see all the teenagers wearing the purple shirts. They have already been through more in their young lives than most people will ever experience.

Lets make sure all those effected by this common enemy get the chance to experience all that life has to offer. Please support your favorite cancer charity whether through my fundraising effort or someone else’s. Every dollar gets us closer to a cure.


Thank you,

Janice Scissors




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Summer Vacation Planning

Have you planned your summer vacation? Are you going on a big trip or just a few mini-vacations this year? Are you going to be staying close to home this summer because of the economy?

If you have decided you are not going anywhere this summer it doesn’t mean you have to be bored to death and do nothing. We always think the grass is greener on the other side but many times there are lots of fun things to do in your own town or at least a close neighboring town.

Check out the websites of your city or surrounding cities. They usually list attractions that tourists would be attracted to. Gather the information in a notebook and become a tourist in your own town. Plan ahead for places to visit in good weather (parks, zoos, other outdoor attractions) and not so good weather (museums, theaters, other indoor attractions). Keep your camera ready and have fun. No more boring weekends.

What kind of fun things do you do during summer vacations? If you have some great ideas you would like to share with me and all my readers then please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks.

I have posted the June 2009 Newsletter on the blog. There are some website links listed with ideas of what you can do with your families during the summer. Check it out.


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Incomplete Projects/Tasks Are Mind Clutter

It has been a couple of weeks since I sent out a tip newsletter. I’ve had some health issues to deal with but I plan to get back on track now.

Because I promised to send a weekly tip and I didn’t, it became an incomplete project. This weighed heavy on my mind. Incomplete projects have a way of doing that to us.

When we have too many unfinished projects/tasks they clutter our minds with guilt. It doesn’t matter if they are big or small. A basket of clean laundry that isn’t folded and put away or the unpaid bills past their due date constantly nag at us to take care of them. This kind of clutter keeps us from finding peace and freedom to enjoy each day.

Okay, so you have all these incomplete projects/tasks in you life, now what? How can you possibly get everything completed along with all your other daily responsibilities? It’s not easy but you have to prioritize (pay the bills) and sometimes multi-task (fold laundry while watching TV). You also have to ask yourself if the project is even worth completing.

Sometimes an incomplete project has been that way so long it becomes outdated. I remember about two years ago when I was decluttering my sewing supplies I found a half-sewn pair of little boy’s shorts I was making for my son. This son graduated college two weeks ago. I don’t think those shorts will fit. It was a project that didn’t need completing anymore. Yes, I felt guilty for never finishing them but I got rid of the guilt when I threw the uncompleted shorts out.

Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup For the Soul books) has written a book called “The Success Principles”. In it he talks about getting into “completion consciousness”. He says to continually ask yourself “What does it take to actually get this task completed?”. I have written this question on an index card and have it on my desk right in front of me. When I get sidetracked I look at the question and it helps to bring my mind back in focus on what I have to do to complete the task I started.

To help get yourself in the habit of asking this question all the time you might want to write it on sticky notes or index cards and put them in places where you struggle the most with uncompleted projects/tasks. This might be your desk where the bills are, by the kitchen sink, near your sewing/craft area, or in the laundry room. Before you know it you will be completing projects large and small and clearing out the clutter from your mind and your home.

I would love to hear your opinion on this newsletter. Please leave a comment on this blog.

Or you can send me an email at: janice@cutclutterwithscissors.com.

Please forward this newsletter to any friends or family members who may benefit from this tip.

To a lighter load along the way.

Janice Scissors

P.S. If you would like to receive weekly newsletters like this one in your email please sign up on the right sidebar. You will also receive a monthly newsletter with dates of holidays and special events along with lots of links to find more information on them. These sites will help you plan out your holidays/events so you can fully enjoy them.

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Graduation Time

My son is graduating from college this week. He’ll be moving back home for about a month and then heading out to Los Angeles, hopefully with interviews set up for a job. diploma with graduate's cap Vector Clip Art image

He has a degree in Information Technology (IT) so at least he’s in a field where there are jobs.

With the job market the way it is these young adults are facing an uncertain future, at least in the short run. As parents we raise our children to spread their wings and leave the nest. But many are coming back home or continuing their education (with their parents help) because of the way the job market is.

Since he will be home for a few weeks before leaving town I plan on going through a lot of his things with him. I probably have more memories attached to his things than he does. I may find it harder to let go but I have to. He’s starting new life and so am I. Decluttering the “things” from the past (physical things – not memories) will let us both move forward carrying a lighter load towards the future. I’ll take pictures of anything that is hard to let go of.

Each time our children graduate from one stage of their lives to another we also graduate. Whether it is from toddlerhood to school age child or high school to college or college to independent adulthood we have to let them move forward to the next stage of their life.

I will officially be graduating to empty nester. Each stage of our life gives us new opportunities to experience different things. I know it will be hard to let go of some “things” from the past but I also look forward to it.

How do you feel about “graduation time”? Please leave a comment and let me know.





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