
Autumn and Halloween Decorating

Halloween is only 12 days away. If you haven’t started your outdoor decorating now would be a good time. In my eBook “How To Have A Fun, Safe, And Decluttered Halloween” I talked about extending the season. This is where you layer your decorations for Autumn, Halloween, and then Thanksgiving.

Many seasonal materials, such as colorful leaves, gourds, pumpkins, etc. can help create an Autumn feeling outside or inside your home. Halloween decorations can be added for a couple of weeks then taken down. Then you can add Thanksgiving decorations to the Autumn ones. …

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Being a breast cancer survivor myself, I feel very strongly about helping other women learn more about early detection. It’s a scary subject and no one wants to feel vulnerable. But knowledge is power.

We can’t control everything that happens to us but we can do everything within our power to reduce our risks factors as much as possible. We can do self-screening tests and a mammogram when needed. If found early, survival rates are so much greater.

Hopefully, someday soon a cure will be found. More importantly hopefully someday there will be a way to prevent breast cancer so no woman has to go through what I and hundreds of thousands of other survivors and non-survivors have gone through. Knowledge is power and together we can create a brighter future.

So check out these links to get you started on learning all you can. Forward these links to all the women you know so they can gain the knowledge.










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First Day of Autumn

Today is the first day of Autumn. Here in the Midwest some of the trees have been dropping their leaves. Others, like the dogwood outside my window, are beginning to change colors. The local grocery stores are displaying potted mums in full bloom.


I know it doesn’t look like Autumn everywhere but that doesn’t mean you can’t start enjoying the season. Red, gold, and orange colors dominate the crafts and other decorations for the home. You can have your own home get the Autumn feeling by making some easy decorations. Here are some links with lots of ideas for you and your children. Many use items you are ready have or can be found in nature. Have fun.









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