
Storing Holiday Decorations

This week the local discount and hardware stores are advertising for sale all kinds of storage containers and shelving. They want to help you get organized by storing your decorations in lots of fancy containers. But do you really need so many containers? Of course, it depends on how much “stuff” you have to store.

Now is a good time to declutter you decorations because you can be more objective about them. It will be fresh in your mind as to what worked and what didn’t work. There is no reason to store the broken decorations or ones you didn’t like or have room for.

Below are some questions to ask yourself about your decorations before you go buy lots of boxes to store them. After decluttering you may not need as many boxes, therefore saving you money for other things.

  1. Is it broken? Can it be fixed and is it worth it?
  2. Do you love the item and does it make you smile when you see it displayed?
  3. Do you have a space to display it?
  4. Are you keeping the item,even though you don’t like it, because you’ve always had it or someone gave it to you?
  5. Is the item easy to pack away for next year?
  6. Does it take special packing material and/or containers to store it?
  7. Is it easy to unpack and clean up for use each year?
  8. Do you have room to store it?

Throw away the broken items and give away the ones that are good but you no longer want to use.




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Gratitude List

This is the time of year where we get so caught up in the holidays that we sometimes forget the little and not so little things in our lives that really matter. The Decluttering/Organizing Tip in this week’s newsletter is to take 5-10 minutes and write down the things we are truly grateful for.

Decluttering/Organizing Tip – Gratitude

A quick way to catch your breath, put a smile on your face, and relax is to write out a Gratitude List.

  • Gather a pen or pencil, a piece of paper or notebook and a timer (optional). Sit down some place quiet where you can write. If necessary you can go to a bathroom, or even a lighted closet to get away from the hustle and bustle around you.
  • Set the timer for 5-10 minutes. Write down as many things as you can that you are truly grateful for. Your health, your family’s health, the roof over your head, food on the table, your children’s smiles and kisses, etc.
  • When you are done writing this list read it over a couple of times. You should be breathing slower now. You should be more relaxed and not sweating about all the little things that aren’t really that important. You should have a smile on your face.
  • Now go enjoy your family and friends and the holidays. Anytime you start feeling overwhelmed or frazzled, go read the list again. You could even put the list on your fridge or bathroom mirror to constantly remind you of what really counts.

Happy Holidays




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Simplify Your Holiday – Tip #10

Are you traveling this holiday season? If you are here are a few tips to help your trip be more organized and fun.

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  • Double check the weather of your destination a week before you leave. You may need to adjust what kind and how much clothing you pack. The weather is unpredictable in many areas this time of year.
  • If you are traveling by plane and taking gifts with you don’t gift wrap them until you arrive at your destination. Security check points may need to see inside the boxes or containers. You can bring wrapping paper, ribbon, tape, and a very small scissors (blades shorter than 4 inches). For more information on what can and cannot be taken on a plane, check out the TSA website.
  • Just because you are traveling by car doesn’t mean you have to over pack it. You will want to leave room for any gifts you receive.
  • Make a Travel Planner and write down everything you want to pack and any other information you may need while you are away. Check out this article for more details on creating your own Travel Planner.

Have a fun, safe, and organized trip by planning ahead.

If you have any tips to share on traveling at this time of year please write them in the comment section. Thanks.




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Simplify Your Holidays – Tip #9

Food is a huge part of the holidays. There’s parties and family dinners along with all the homemade food gifts (cookies, candies, cakes). If you are the one who is in charge of the planning, cooking, and preparing for a party or family dinner then here are some tips to help it from becoming overwhelming.


1. Keep meals simple. Not every dish served at the meal has to be a gourmet delight. If the entree is fancy then keep the sides simple and easy.

2. Make as much ahead of time as possible. You want to be able to spend more time with your guests and less time in the kitchen cooking.

3. Consider Pot Luck parties. Have a horsdoeuvre or dessert party and asks guests to bring their favorite recipe.

4. For a family dinner you can assign a portion of the meal to each person or family. Sharing takes the responsibility off of one person (usually you) from having to do it all. Instead of feeling like just guests they will also feel like contributors.

Remember that people are the most important ingredient at your party or family dinner.

If you have a tip to share please let me know in the comment section. Thanks.




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Simplify Your Holidays – Tip #8

Holiday decorations can be fun to put up around the house and give our home that festive feeling. Sometimes we get caught up in wanting our homes to have that perfectly decorated look we see in the magazines and on TV. That kind of decorating not only takes a lot of time to set up it also costs a lot of money. Plus it will take a lot of time to take down and pack away.

If you have the time and money and really enjoy decorating for the holiday’s then go for it. But if you feel overwhelmed because you are short on time and/or money then don’t try to compete. Change your expectations and you will enjoy your holiday’s even more.


Less is more. Less time spent putting up decorations will give you more time to do the things your really enjoy such as baking cookies.

You are not perfect and your decorating does not need to be perfect. Decorate for yourself and don’t worry what others think about it.

Fewer decorations put up means fewer to put away afterwards. Start the new year off by feeling energized instead of overwhelmed with the task of packing up tons of decorations.

If you have any tips to share on decorating please post them in the comment section.




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