The weather is finally turning a corner here in the Midwest. I hope the feel of Spring is beginning to hit your area also.
With the first warm day of March, I want to get outside and start gardening. The problem is the ground is saturated from all the recent snow melt. It is too muddy and I will only compact the soil by walking on it. Compacted soil is an enemy of plant roots.
So today I will soak up the warm sun and breath the cool breezes. The weather is suppose to cool off and rain this weekend, right when some local schools start Spring Break. I hope they have their indoor plans ready.
My indoor plans will be to work on my taxes. I still have to finish mine along with my mother-in-law’s and my son’s. Rainy weather this weekend will give me a chance to take care of it.
Are your taxes completed? If they are then go enjoy the weekend. If not then it is time to work on them. Easter is the following weekend (March 23). There are only two weekends left after that before April 15 rolls around.
Don’t forget that St. Patrick’s Day is this coming Monday, March 17. Many cities and towns are having their parades on Saturday or Sunday. Check out your local times and locations. It’s a great way to welcome the Spring air. That is unless you are still in the grip of the March lion’s mouth.