Spring Has Sprung

It is the first day of Spring. It is called the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. If you want more technical information then check out Wikipedia.

For me, knowing the calendar says Spring gives me hope that the warm weather and gardening are just around the corner. Today’s weather is fitting of Spring here in the Midwest. The sun is shining and the temps should get to the high 50’s. The daffodils are sending shoots up through the ground and the tree and shrub buds are swelling, ready to burst open.

Of course as the first day of Spring is on the calendar we are reminded that tax season is nearing an end. I plan on having all the taxes (my whole family) finished by this weekend. Then I can forget about tax forms and focus on enjoying the nice weather. Have you finished your taxes? If not, it is time to Spring Clean them and mail them off.

Tomorrow is Good Friday and this Sunday is Easter. This year it is March 23rd. This is one of the earliest days Easter has occurred. Here is a web-site with some interesting information on this early Easter.

Quote for today:

“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.”

~Henry Van Dyke


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