The school year has already started for some. For many others it”s just around the corner. Whether you have school age children or not the start of the school year brings changes in almost everyone’s routines. If you are aware of these changes you can plan ahead to avoid any frustration they may cause you.
Hundreds of thousands of school children will be walking their neighborhood streets to catch the yellow school bus at the corners. Please be aware of them as you leave your home to drive to work or drive carpool. We want all these children to make it to school safely. We also want them to make it home safely after school.
If you pay attention to pick-up and drop-off times, even if you don’t have children, you can plan accordingly. Allow extra time to get to your destination so you aren’t frustrated when you are slowed down while children are crossing streets or loading on or off the buses. If you are running late you know that will be the day you are stuck behind the school bus with no way to get around it!
Drive safely, teach your children about traffic safety, and hopefully we won’t hear of any tragic accident involving those innocent school children.
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