Kitchen Remodel – The Lull Before The Storm

Time flies when you’re having fun.  But I’m finding it drags on and on while waiting for the contractor to get started with the kitchen remodel!

Originally he was suppose to start around the first week of October. Because it took us longer than expected to get quotes and ordering the cabinets he went on to do another job.  The floor tiles are in and the cabinets were delivered today. His start date is currently around November 1st.

In the meantime I’m feel like I’m in limbo with packing up the kitchen.  Everyday I’m fighting my procrastination tendencies to do nothing until I know an exact date.  I picked up empty boxes at Trader Joe’s.  My goal is to pack up a box or two each day of items I won’t be using during the remodeling. Some days it’s done. Other days – not done.

It’s easy to make decisions on some items but not so easy for others.  What if I want to use the cheese slicer during this time? Never mind that I haven’t used it much during the past couple of years! Just pulling it out from the back of the drawer gets my brain in the “what if” kind of thinking. boxes in basement photo-1

Since all the boxes are being stored in the corner of my finished basement I remind myself that I can always find an item if I decide I need it.  I’m marking the boxes just in case.

I’m focusing on packing without decluttering at this time. There is a method to my madness, at least I’m telling myself that each time I pack up another box.  With all the decisions I’m making with the new kitchen now is not the best time to make any logical (decluttering) decisions on whether I really need to keep an item or not.

This is becoming an eye opening experience. So far, in spite of all the nightmares everyone claims to live through, they all say it’s worth it. That’s what I’m hanging my hopes on.

I welcome any suggestions and tips on ways to survive a kitchen remodel from anyone who has already gone through. Thanks.

To a lighter load along the way.
