This past week I decided to start a Facebook page devoted to paper clutter. I wrote an e-course last year that gives one short lesson from each chapter in the eBook, “Cut Out The Paper Clutter”. I figured the Facebook page would be a great place to discuss these lessons plus give even more tips on decluttering those paper piles.
I’m in the process of updating many of the links in the e-course. The first 3 lessons are already done and the rest should be completed in the next day or two. Since each lesson is sent every three days you can go ahead and sign up today and get the updated lessons.
I’m going to start discussing Lesson 1 (Junk mail) on Friday, January 20th (tomorrow). Since it will be on a Facebook page you can jump in anytime you want to. Here is a link to sign up for the e-course and to “like” the Facebook page.
Cut Out The Paper Clutter e-course.
Cut Out The Paper Clutter Facebook Page.
Cut Out The Paper Clutter eBook
Since I started setting up the Facebook page and editing the e-course lessons I’ve found myself motivated to work on some of my own paper clutter. Yesterday I went through some file folders that contained a lot of instructional articles about setting up a blog and website. Since mine has been set up for a few years now there was no reason to keep these printed articles. If I need help with some technical problem I can always look it up online again. A nice thick stack of papers went into the recycling bin!
Join me on theFacebook page and hopefully you too will get motivated to get rid of some of your paper clutter. Then once the clutter is gone it will be much easier to organize the important papers that are left.
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. ~Hans Hofmann
The e-course is free. TheFacebook page is free. What have you got to lose except some paper clutter.
Take the e-course first and if you still need more tips and help with decluttering and organizing your papers then invest in the eBook for only $9.99.
To a lighter load along the way.
An excellent source. Will recommend it to clients. We know which ones could benefit from it the most.