Do you have a drawer or envelope full of coupons for grocery items, restaurants, or other merchandise? When you need one can you find it? It is much easier to find the ones you want when they are organized.
Here are four easy steps to setting up a simple storage system that will help you manage your coupons. That way you can start saving money right now.
Step 1:
You’ll need to get three different colored pocket folders and a coupon caddy or file box. Now gather all your coupons and separate them by categories. One pile will be for the current weekly grocery and local store ads. Another pile will be restaurant coupons and menus of your favorite places. The third pile will be for coupons and ads with a longer date (not weekly) at local stores such as Macy’s, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Finish Line, etc. The fourth pile is for coupons of individual items you purchase at the grocery store, discount store, or drug store.
Step 2:
Put the first three piles into the different colored pocket folders. You can label the folders if you wish. Make sure to pull out any expired coupons or ads before putting the pile into the folders. Now when you are ready to go shopping or out to eat you can grab the folder to find out if you have a coupon or not.
Step 3:
The grocery coupons need to be put in a coupon caddy, file box, or envelope that is small enough to carry with you while shopping. Separate the coupons by categories so it is easy to find the ones you want. If you only cut out a few coupons you can keep the categories separated with paperclips and keep them in a business size envelope. If you have a lot of coupons make sure they are separated by a labeled divider of some kind. Now you are ready to make your grocery list using the weekly ads and coupons to help save lots of money.
Step 4:
To keep all your coupons and ads organized you will have to make sure that as soon as you receive or cut them out they get filed into your storage folders and coupon caddy. At the beginning of the each month make sure you pull out all the expired ones. That will help the folders stay decluttered and make it easier for you to take advantage of the coupons.