Halloween Tips 1-2

I wanted to let you know that I’ve started posting a Halloween tip each day on the Facebook page.  Since not everyone has an account with these social media site,  I’m going put the tips in a blog post. However, I’m only going to do it once a week because I don’t want to fill your inbox (if you’re a subscriber) with so many emails.

All these tips are from the eBook “How To Have A Fun, Safe, And Decluttered Halloween”.

Here are the first two tips I’ve already posted on Facebook and Twitter.

Halloween Tip 1

Before buying new decorations or costumes think about how and where you will store them for the next 11 months.

Halloween Tip 2

Real pumpkins don’t require storage. You get to create a new face each year by cutting it out or painting it. After Halloween it goes in the compost pile or trash.

If you have any tips on Halloween you would like to share please let me know in the comment section of this blog or on the Facebook page. Thanks.

There are a lot more tips to help you “Have A Fun, Safe, and Decluttered Halloween” in the eBook.

To a lighter load along the way.
