Gardening has started!

Now that the weather has finally decided it really is spring time I am able to get out into the garden and plant some Hostas. I bought the box of ten roots a few weeks ago at Sam’s. Due to the cold and rain I couldn’t get them in the ground. Now that they are planted, we will see how they grow.

It’s funny how when the weather doesn’t seem appropriate for planting perennials or annuals, the weeds sprout overnight. I use hardwood mulch in the beds around my house but I have come to the conclusion that the weeds love this mulch! It doesn’t matter how thick it is they just grow right through it.

I try to use as few chemicals as possible so it is a constant battle every year. Oh well, I may not have the best looking yard but at least I am not poisoning the earth or my dog or cat that play in it.


I’m sure many areas of the country are farther along with the planting season and some areas aren’t there yet. When the spring weather comes late like this year all the plans written in January seem to go out the window. Now I’m playing catch-up and the weather forecast is calling for more rain this week.

If I’m lucky I may have the flowers, shrubs, and vegetables in the ground by Memorial Day. Then I can go in maintenance mode and enjoy the summer.

How is your gardening going so far this year?
