
Be Prepared for Holiday Shopping Days

The holiday shopping season is ramping up.  The Halloween decorations and costumes fill the store shelves. The Christmas items will soon follow.

I just heard that Amazon is now having a special “Holiday Shopping Day” sale this October.  This sale is called “Early Access Sale” day on October 11-12, 2022.  It will be two days of holiday deals. Other retailers are also getting in on the act by having early special deal days.

First there was Black Friday on the day after Thanksgiving. Then the sales started on Thanksgiving day. The last few years many of the Black Friday sales started a couple of weeks before the actual Black Friday day.

It get’s early and early each year!

And now there are these special “sale” days in October.

But before you bite at that lure of these special sales, make sure you are prepared ahead of time. …

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Deadlines Help With Decluttering



Have you ever had a deadline help you with decluttering? I know I have. Think about this for a moment.

Remember when you were having the family over for a holiday dinner or birthday party? How did you prepare for it? If you’re like most people you planned the food/menu for the dinner or party. Hopefully you shopped for most of the stuff ahead of time leaving just a few perishable items to buy last minute.

But what about cleaning the house? I always find it amazing that when I’m preparing for company I notice all the clutter laying around. I know the stack of magazines has been there for awhile. But now it looks real messy. The DVD’s and video games are overflowing the shelf under the TV.  How long have they been a chaotic mess? And when did the empty cups and dishes start accumulating on the coffee table and end tables? I didn’t realize the cat and dog (or kids) had so many toys laying around.

You get the picture. We become blind to everyday clutter until we know company is coming over. Then we start looking at our house through their eyes. 

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5 Simple Tools To Cut Clutter

I’m always looking for simple ways to cut clutter from my home. It doesn’t come naturally for me. Even routines and habits don’t seem to stick if I’m not constantly focusing on them.

So over the years I’ve come up with tools and systems that help me stay on top of the clutter so it doesn’t get a chance to build up too much. When you use these 5 simple tools as part of your decluttering system, they help change your mindset about letting go of things. …

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The Holiday Season Will Be Here Before You Know It!

Wild turkeys

It’s already September.  The holiday season will be here before you know it.

Last week I was walking in my subdivision and in the fields at the end of one of the streets I saw a flock of wild turkeys.  I zoomed in the best I could with my cellphone.  Those turkeys got me thinking about the upcoming holidays.

So I figured it was time to get started with the planning.

“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” ~ H. Stanley Judd

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