
April Fools Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is April Fools Day. Although a lot of people get into the fun of the day I usually look at April 1st with the idea of warm weather, flowers and sunshine arriving. April Fools Day has some interesting history. Check out Wikipedia or National Geographic if you want to find out more about this unofficial holiday.

“April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty four.” ~Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson, 1894

When thinking about warm weather, flowers, and sunshine my thoughts turn to gardening. This year has had a slow start due to cool and rainy weather. With the ground so saturated I don’t want to walk in the flower beds to clean out around the perennials. Walking on wet soil will compact it and make it harder for the roots to grow healthy. It is better to wait a few days for the soil to dry out some.

If the weather is still not right for working in the garden where you live you can still work on seed planting and cuttings inside. It is not too late to start many seeds indoors. Check the seed packet to make sure you still have time. You can also repot root bound houseplants at this time. Put them in a pot that is 1″ larger than what they are in now. Most houseplants will start their new growth spurt soon and it is better to let their roots get adjusted to a new pot before that time.

I was reading that from March 29th to April 30th is “National Kite Flying Month” . Go check out this link and find out about flying kites and events taking place all over the country.

After today there are only 15 days left to file your taxes. If you haven’t done it already today would be a good time to start. Remember, you have to file your taxes by April 15, to get your Economic Stimulus Payment if you qualify.


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Signs of Spring

March can have wild swings in weather here in the Midwest. Easter Sunday was a mix IMGP0896of brief snow showers and sunshine off and on throughout the day. It was beginning to feel like Spring would never come.

It is still cloudy and cool today but a bright spot of yellow is appearing above ground to IMGP0902indicate that warm weather will soon be here. The first crocus blooms are such a welcome sight. It also makes me realize how far behind I am with planning for my yard and garden. It’s a good week to order fertilizer and mole deterrent. This past fall and winter the moles have invaded my yard. If anyone knows of a good way to get rid of them please let me know. They aerate the yard way beyond what it needs.

It has been hectic this week with my son home from college on spring break. It is hard to believe his semester is more than half way through. He leaves for Dallas tomorrow to visit his brother and I can get back to finishing the taxes.

Have you finished your taxes? There are only 21 days left to file them. It sounds like a lot but the days have a way of going by fast. This last weekend in March is not a holiday and would be a good time to finish working on them.

Well, I’m going back to visit with my son. Once they go away to college you learn to appreciate whatever time you get to visit. They grow up fast and are busy doing their own thing.


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Spring Has Sprung

It is the first day of Spring. It is called the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. If you want more technical information then check out Wikipedia.

For me, knowing the calendar says Spring gives me hope that the warm weather and gardening are just around the corner. Today’s weather is fitting of Spring here in the Midwest. The sun is shining and the temps should get to the high 50’s. The daffodils are sending shoots up through the ground and the tree and shrub buds are swelling, ready to burst open.

Of course as the first day of Spring is on the calendar we are reminded that tax season is nearing an end. I plan on having all the taxes (my whole family) finished by this weekend. Then I can forget about tax forms and focus on enjoying the nice weather. Have you finished your taxes? If not, it is time to Spring Clean them and mail them off.

Tomorrow is Good Friday and this Sunday is Easter. This year it is March 23rd. This is one of the earliest days Easter has occurred. Here is a web-site with some interesting information on this early Easter.

Quote for today:

“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.”

~Henry Van Dyke


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Spring Rains can lead to flooding

March is suppose to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. It is the middle of March and I am ready for the lamb.

It has been raining all day here in St. Louis, and many other areas in the Midwest. In my area there are flood warnings for local creeks and streams. With the heavy snows earlier in the month and now lots of rain the water doesn’t have anywhere to go.

If you are in an area that is susceptible to flooding do you know what to do? Do you know the difference between a watch and a warning? If not, then check out these two web sites; FEMA and Red Cross. They have a lot of information on how to prepare for a flood and what to do when it actually happens.

These sites talk about flash floods also. Did you know that it only takes a foot of water on a road to float many vehicles. It only takes two feet of rushing water to carry away most vehicles including SUV’s and pickups. Sometimes it is hard to judge the depth of water on a roadway. It is best not to even try to go through it.

With all the rain and snow melt we are getting in March I hope we don’t have too many April showers. The ground will be plenty wet for the May flowers.

Quote for the day:

“It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” ~Mark Twain


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March 15th Newsletter

I will be writing a newsletter on the 1st and 15th of each month. It will contain important dates and seasonal reminders of what is coming up in the next few weeks. This newsletter is posted under the newsletter page above for easy reference. I am also posting it here today. If you have any suggestions or want to add helpful information about these dates and holidays please leave a comment.

March 15th Newsletter

As we hit the middle of March it is time to look forward to Spring here in the U.S. The weather is starting to moderate. Daylight savings is already in effect. The Spring holidays are coming up.

St. Patrick’s Day is Monday, March 17th. Many cities and towns are having their parades on Saturday or Sunday. Be sure to check out when and where your local parade is if you plan on attending.

Another holiday that welcomes Spring is Easter. It is on Sunday, March 23rd. It is earlier than usual this year so if you have special plans for that day or weekend it is getting down to crunch time for organizing it.

When holidays change dates such as Easter, Passover, and several other religious holidays that follow the lunar calendar, we can get off track with planning. That is why it is so important to write out a plan and use the calendar to keep you on track.

I find the easiest way for me to organize a holiday celebration is to look at the date on the calendar and work backwards with scheduling what needs to be done. That way I am not caught the day or two before scrambling to get it all done.

Although Good Friday is a religious holiday some schools and work places are off. If you have to work but your children are home from school be sure to make arrangements for them. Young children need supervision and older ones need rules and emergency numbers and instructions.

Thursday, March 20th is the first day of Spring. By this date the garden centers are set up for the gardening rush. The last two weeks of March are a good time to finish planning what you are going to do in the yard/garden this Spring. Even if it is still too muddy to plant shrubs or trees you will get the best selection if you shop early. If you are not sure what you want then take a list of the planting conditions of the location you want to plant and what kind of shape and look you want to the nursery. They have people with experience and knowledge to help you find the right plant for you.

Enjoy these next two weeks as we move away from Winter and into Spring.


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