
Can One Word Make A Difference?

Can changing one word make a difference in how motivated we are to take action?

In the field of organizing and decluttering we read different words to describe what we need to do to make our lives better. Although all these words have similar meanings each person has their favorites.  Some words are used more in the home setting. Others tend to be used more in the business setting.

Simplifying, Minimalizing, Decluttering, Organizing, Consolidating.

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Disruptions to Routines: Medium – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog series I talked about those small but annoying disruptions to our daily routines.  If you missed it you can read it here.

Now I’m going to talk about those medium disruptions that have a tendency to throw off your routines for a least a day or more. Although they are usually temporary you’ll probably have to adjust your routines until the disruption is over.


 Medium Disruptions:

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Are Your Children Already Bored With Summer?

Today is the official first day of summer.  However, for most families summer started around Memorial Day or shortly after.  If your children aren’t going to camp or summer school most likely they are already looking for things to do.

Below are some ideas to help you get organized and come up with ways to keep your children busy.  These ideas are great ways to keep them from spending hours and hours in front of the TV or computer.  That may keep them out of your hair but it isn’t healthy for them.  Check out these links now and have a plan in place before you hear those dreaded words, (if you haven’t already) “Mom, we’re bored.  What can we do?”

Organize Your Summer

These sites are filled with ideas to help you organize your schedules.



Summer Game Ideas

Here are some ideas for backyard games. Create a simple notebook with the instructions so it’s easy to help your children get started playing.



Vacation in Your Own Home Town

Last year I wrote a blog post after the 4th of July filled with ideas and links to websites about vacationing close to home. This year I’m giving you the link to that post now so you can plan ahead and take advantage of some great things to do before, during, and after the holiday. There are also some links for ideas for the 4th of July.





It’s not to late to set up a Summer Planner filled with ideas to make this summer an organized and fun one.


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5 Minute Under the Sink Decluttering

Yesterday I listed several “5 minute decluttering tips” on this blog. The first one was decluttering the old sponges, etc. from under the kitchen sink.  I knew I hadn’t done that for awhile so I figured it was time.  One of the reasons I’m listing these tips here and on the Facebook page is not only to help you but to help me take some babysteps on the decluttering journey.

Well, what I found under my sink even surprised me. Not only did I have a lot more clutter than I thought, I found a few missing things. Here is a picture of the container I keep the sponges, brushes, and gloves in.



Here is another picture of how it looked after I decluttered.



Now here is a picture of what I found in the original mess.  I would save the old gloves (ones that were stretched out and hard to hold dishes) to use for other non-dish cleaning chores. I guess I collected them more than I used them.



Most of these sponges were pretty worn out and stained. I use old sponges to clean up messes from the floor and other non-dish cleaning. I don’t think I need that many!



Yes, this is a jar of Poppy seeds. The funny thing is that about 3 weeks ago I went over to my mother-in-law’s house for dinner. I was in charge of baking homemade bread. My husband wanted poppy seeds on the bread but I couldn’t find any in the house. I usually keep them in the refrigerator. Of course I didn’t even think to look under the sink. I have no idea how they got there!



You never know what you may find when doing a 5 minute decluttering tip.  If you have Facebook please go “like” my page. I’ll be adding new tips on a regular basis. I certainly need to do them myself!

To a lighter load along the way.


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Five Minute Decluttering Tips

IMGP1609Over the years I’ve collected many pages of tips from magazines, newspapers, and even internet articles. I have them in several file folders in a filing cabinet. I decided it was time to go through these folders and find tips I can share with you. They aren’t doing you or me any good if they stay hidden in the drawer.

I’m narrowing these tips to ones that can be done usually in 5 minutes or less. Many times we overestimate how long something takes to do so we don’t even start the project.

Well, if you spend 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there decluttering before you know it you’ve made a big dent in the mess. I learned from Flylady.net that babysteps will add up quickly.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what can be done in such a small amount of time. That is why I’m researching for as many small tips as I can find.

I’m going to be putting these tips on my Facebook Page, CutClutterWithScissors. I’ll also have occasional blog posts listing several of these tips.

Here are a few tips to get you started. I think I’ll go do a few of them myself right now.

1.  Clean out old sponges and outdated cleaning products from under the kitchen sink.  This can be done while talking on the phone or waiting for your coffee or tea to brew.

2.  Clear out old leftovers out of fridge and throw out any expired foods from the fridge and pantry. This is a good habit to get into the day before trash pick-up.

3.  Throw away old cosmetics, lotions, and other unused items.  They can harbor bacteria over time. Old shampoos and soaps can be used to clean toilets and bathtubs. They are a lot safer than the harsh chemical cleaners.

4. Declutter a junk drawer. Organize like items in small containers with or without lids. Small ziplock bags also work well. Snack and sandwich size work best.

If you have a 5 minute tip you use please share in the comment section. Thanks.

To a lighter load along the way.


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